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AK's letter of encouragement to his readers.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

I wrote a reply to an email from a reader but I think it could well be a letter of encouragement to all readers of ASSI.

So, with a few changes, here it is:

"Dear readers,

"Knowledge is power and self knowledge is the most under rated. If you understand this and if you have greater self knowledge, you will become stronger. We are all different and have different circumstances.

"Sometimes, people are encouraged and, sometimes, people are discouraged by AK's achievements.

"Those who are discouraged might wonder how did AK amass his wealth and whether they would be able to do it too?

"There is a blog post (or a few) in ASSI on this. I shared quite openly. I think some will remember.

"I am sure everyone who invests in sound income producing assets will do better over time. Really? How can I be sure?

"Well, did AK expect that he would do so well today, say, 20 years ago? Honestly, no.

"I had an inkling of what had to be done and I set out to do it.

"Having a system that works well is important but luck is important too and I have been lucky not once or twice but more than a few times in the last 20 years.

"The Global Financial Crisis was unlucky for many but it was a lucky break for me, for example.

"If we do the right things, we are helping Lady Luck to help ourselves.

"Keep doing the right things and the right things will have a higher chance of happening for us."

Patience is, sometimes, the hardest thing on our journey to financial freedom.

Be patient.

Don't give up.

All in good time.

Related posts:
1. The secret to AK's success.
2. How did AK create a 6 digit passive income?
3. To retire by 45, have a plan.

"How much money can you save?"

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I visited a friend recently and he mentioned that he would be taking a couple of vacations from next week.

Going to Japan, Spain and France!

I know he just bought a second property a few months ago and he even said his savings, including money in his CPF account, was totally depleted after the down-payment.

So, I asked him why wasn't he saving money to pay for that second property?

"Wow! Really living the good life. Haha. Thought you saving hard to pay for XXXXXX payment."

"It's just a trip. How much can u save?"

I don't know.

How much do you think he could save?




Enough to pay 1% of the loan for that investment property?

1% so little?

Keep thinking that way and we would be sabotaging our finances. 

Do you believe me?

I should ask him to don't think and grow rich:
Don't think and grow rich.

Also, do you know that a housing loan could be an "evil" instalment scheme in disguise:
The evil instalment scheme and their minions.

Who threw a shoe at me?

Who? Who?

Related posts:
1. A dollar saved is a dollar earned.

2. Think you cannot reduce spending?

AK saves money now and avoids hefty bills in future!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Whenever we talk about dental services, we think of the dollar sign. Almost everyone I know thinks that visiting the dentist is not only scary but very expensive. So, many do not make regular visits to the dentist.

Well, oral health is important and not taking care of our teeth might result in costly dentures or implants in future. I am sure there are other things that could go wrong but I will leave the horror stories to the dentists.

A single implant costs $5,000, I found out. A visit to the dentist for cleaning plus a filling would cost less than $100. 

$5,000 could pay for 50 visits to the dentist! If the visits take place half yearly, $5,000 is enough for 25 years!

Wait a minute. Cleaning plus a filling for less than $100? Yes, that is correct.

If you are a Singaporean like I am, you can get good and relatively cheap basic dental services in Singapore. 

Seriously, look at my bills from recent visits to the dentist:



Where got $100? 

OK, AK's maths fail.

That's less than $70!

Did I get your attention? 

Do you want to find out more?

Visit these websites for more information: NHGP and Singhealth. Yup. Polyclinics.

Just make a call or make an online booking. It is that easy.

No welfare in Singapore? 

Well, this is another something which Singaporeans could easily take advantage of and we should.

Save a chunk of change while saving our teeth? Sounds good to me.

Related post:
1. Health screening in a polyclinic.

2. AK answers 3 questions on retirement.

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