Monday, June 23, 2014

Free e-book by AK now has a cover!

This was sent to me in an e-mail:
Volume 1: Retiring before 60 is not a dream.
Volume 2: Achieving Level 1 Financial Security.
Volume 3: Don't depend on wage increases for higher income.

(Please click on the titles below picture of "e-book" to start reading.)

Someone took pity on me for being an IT idiot.

This is so cool! I think I look slimmer here too. LOL.

9pm, 23 June 2014:
I added a book title! Not bad for an IT idiot. ;p


  1. Nice! Thoughtful fan of yours! =)

  2. Hi Gary,

    Yes, my blog is very lucky to have very thoughtful readers. :)

  3. Can I get one copy of your book ? :D

  4. Hi Pang,

    The book is imaginary. ;p

    Just click on the links and you will see the blogs with different hyperlinks. Together, they form an "e-book". ;)

  5. Investminds said...
    AK, you should write a book to inspire the younger generation. Perhaps can compile your blogs. it will be a #1 seller.

    Frankly I adopted quite a no of your strategies. It is really hard work with a lot of sacrifices: habit changes, prudent financial planning and saving, acquiring investment knowledge and continue learning and fine tuning trading methods to understand own psychology.

    Through patience and luck, i have seen my passive income growing over the years. i am very grateful for your sharing.

    AK said...
    You are not the first to suggest that I should write a book.

    AK is lazy lah.

    Please don't give me more work. ;p

    An investment guru who has published a few books told me that the real reason for publishing books is for fame and, of course, the money follows when people sign up for his courses.

    Fame, I don't need.

    Courses, I don't want to conduct.

    How like that? :p

    I have "e-books" and you will find them in the left side bar of my blog.

    You can direct anyone you know who might be interested in finding out more to read them for a start. ;p
