Tuesday, January 6, 2015

McDonald's Surprise Alarm.

Arranged to meet a friend for lunch after work at McDonald's.

Here's why:

Thanks to McDonald's Surprise Alarm, I have redeemed 2 free Iced Milo, 1 free Coke, 1 free French Fries and had a 1 for 1 offer for 6 piece McNuggets so far. Oh, it also saved me from oversleeping in the mornings twice so far.

Not an advertorial. I just simply like it. Brilliant!

Related post:
A meal for $2.00 from McDonald's.


  1. Yep, this is a nice and useful app this far. The surprises, I have already redeemed for quite a few times already.

  2. I actually deleted the app after awhile after i find that it actually cause me to eat more junk food.
    And even if redeem a drink or fries i still had to order a meal which already comes with that freebie so there wasn't significant savings.
