Sunday, September 13, 2015

Is InvestX Congress 2015 value for money? It depends.

When a reader asked me for my opinion about InvestX Congress 2015 which is happening next month, I said I feel it is a value for money event and she said whether it is going to be value for money depends on how much she would be able to absorb. 

Then, she sent me this sticker:

I think that is a very responsible way to behave and my respect for the reader went up a notch.

However, having been a teacher before, I know it is also my responsibility to be as clear as possible in my delivery, be it spoken or written. I tried my best to ensure my students understood me.

Even as I blog and talk to myself, I try to be coherent or I might not understand myself. So, I certainly hope that, as a blogger, I have been an effective communicator too.

Certain topics are more difficult to communicate, especially those which are more technical. It could be very challenging for the speakers then, especially if they were to give a speech to an audience who are not familiar with the topic and its jargons. From some of the feedback from readers regarding InvestX Congress 2014 about how they had difficulty understanding one of the speakers (whose topic was interesting but the details very technical), I know this to be true.

Well, at InvestX Congress 2015, I don't know the other speakers but I know Victor Chng and Rusmin Ang quite well and have seen them in action many times before. For those who have gone for their Dividend Machines workshop, they would know that Victor and Rusmin are very good trainers. They know their stuff and they deliver well.

AK with his readers at a Dividend Machines workshop.

Dividend Machines is, of course, about investing for income. I believe Rusmin is going to talk a bit about that at InvestX Congress 2015. However, he and Victor have interest in investing in growth companies which is something rather different from pure income investing. They will be talking more about this at InvestX Congress 2015.

Dividend Machines cost almost US$250 per person and I thought it was great value for money for what was delivered. What about the early bird tickets at S$99 each for InvestX Congress 2015 which is also a full day event? 

See why I think it is a good deal?

InvestX Congress 2014.

In case you would like to know, yes, AK will be at InvestX Congress 2015. 

There is going to be a 1 hour panel discussion at the event and I will be on the panel. So, if you are going to the event, I will see you there. 

Oh, if you have decided to go, please get your tickets early. Don't pay the full price. Yes, you would expect AK to say something like this.

Get your early bird tickets: HERE.

17 October 2015, Saturday.

9am to 6pm (Registration starts at 8.30am).

Suntec Convention Centre, Level 3, Summit 1.

"Whether socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it's marked down." Warren Buffett.

Related post:
AK is a panelist at InvestX Congress 2015.


  1. [facepalm] i only saw this today!!! now i have to pay $30 premium zzzz

    i think will still go. I believe there will surely be things that i can take away from this.

  2. Hi Jing Quan,

    Alamak! How come like that?

    We take selfie together at InvestX, OK? Consolation. ;p

  3. Dear AK,

    Yah loh.But I think this beats splurging on wine & dine right and get fat. Better to invest in myself.

    You have a great sense of humor look forward to our selfie then :p

  4. Hi Jing Quan,

    That is the spirit! Pardon the pun. ;p

    Honestly, I think that at full price, the event is still undervalued. :)
