Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Know our goals, have the right conditions and patience.

Regular readers know that gardening is one area I am spending more time in and I am enjoying my little planter in the sky.

Gardening suits my temperament. 

Plant the seeds, give them good conditions for growth and wait. If everything has been done right, the plants will grow. Sounds familiar?

Here are photos of my Basil plant which seem to be in the initial stage of flowering!


For those with failing eyesight like mine.

When I shared this development with my sister who also grows Basil at home, she was amazed. However, she shouldn't want her Basil plants to flower because it means that they are moving from growth to reproduction which means less yummy leaves for her cooking.

Depending on what a person is after, it is either a good thing that a Basil plant is flowering or not. When we draw parallels, a parallel might be where we ask what do we want out of our investments? Are we investing for growth or for income, for example?

We can all enjoy positive results as long as we do it right and have the patience to wait. However, whether the results are desirable would depend partly on what are our goals.

Gardening and investing aren't so different, are they?
Updated: 24 July 2016

Grew this from a seed.

Updated: 14 November 2016

"Gardening? I don't have the patience!"

I took a cutting from my Rosemary plant in May:

I transplanted it in September in a bigger pot (on the right):

And again today:

Having a bit of patience can be quite rewarding.

Moral of the story? Maybe, there is more than one.

(Oops. You saw more Rosemary cuttings growing in the background? Repeating a successful process? Believe it!)

Related post:
Investing or gardening, be ready to go to war!

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