Monday, February 15, 2016

Build Dividend Machines for a more secure retirement.

Recently, I have been blogging more about the CPF and how to make it a cornerstone in our retirement funding strategy. The operative word here is "cornerstone".

When we build a house, we need a strong foundation. A cornerstone is part of that foundation but alone, it is not enough for a house to stand on.

So, what did I do to ensure that I have enough financial muscles to retire and not at the age of 62 but much earlier too? 

Well, there is a cocktail of reasons but one very important ingredient has to be my preference for income investing.

What is income investing? Er, if you have to ask, you might want to sign up for Dividend Machines.

I have put my weight behind Dividend Machines twice in the past and I am doing it again this time.

If you want to invest for income and have no idea how, well, go sign up for Dividend Machines. It is the most value for money course you can find out there on the subject. Frankly, I think the course is undervalued.

Well, the good people at The Fifth Person want to make quality education affordable. 

Who am I to argue with that?

So, for those who are new to my blog or who have missed out on the first two rounds, this is a chance for you to learn how to invest for income in a structured manner without having to pay through your nose.

Don't take my word for it, find out for yourself just how well priced it is at: Dividend Machines.

If you believe like I do that regular dividends from investments are not just nice to have but are necessary to ensure a more secure financial future, build your own Dividend Machines

Remember, it is never too late and the best time to start is always now.

Closing date for application: 
7 March 2016 (Monday).


  1. I have been waiting for this for awhile for it to open. I think Rusmin and victor is sincere on educating. With AK endorsing makes it sounds even more legit. Hope there will be things i can take away from this courses.

    on side note how have you been AK. reposting old entries, its the new year. Time to get active :P


  2. AK, I was looking at Dividend Machine this morning and am glad to have your opinion firming my own decision making. And yes, you are right about its value. In fact, it is too affordable that it is almost hard to believe.

    Thank you for your sharing for the past one year since I start reading yours.

  3. Hi Potatoish JQ,

    Your name is unfamiliar. First comment in my blog? ;)

    I am well enough, I guess. Thanks for asking. :)

    A few things happened to me in recent months that affected me quite a lot and, consequently, I have been spending more time on other aspects of life. Some things, I share in my blog. Some things, I share in FB. Most things, I keep to myself.

    At this point in time, I can say that I will still engage readers but it would not be on the same level as the last few years. Well, at least not for a while more. :)

  4. Hi Jackology,

    Welcome to my blog. :)

    If investing for income is something you believe in and if you want to shorten your learning curve, then, yes, I believe that there isn't a better value for money choice than Dividend Machines in Singapore now. Gambatte! :)

  5. Hi AK,

    No lah.. i used a short form JQ for my name Jing Quan i usually use when posting. We even took photo together :p

    Its a new year everyone is one year older and wiser. Its assuring to know you are well enough!

    I actaully signed up for Dividendmachines as it seem rather affordbale for me to double confirm and check what i am doign right or wrong. Also having met yourself, Rusmin and Victor at InvestXcognress 2015 i personally feel they are sincere people. Its a bonus you have thrown your weight behind them.

    So stay healthy be merry and time to lose those CNY extra weight!

    As ever
    JQ/ Jing Quan

  6. Hi Jing Quan,

    Oh, of course, I remember you and our chat at InvestX. Yes, we took a group photo too. :)

    I am sure you will learn lots of stuff at Dividend Machines. Useful stuff. Gambatte! :)

  7. Does Fifth Person give you dividend for endorsement?

  8. Hi Apex,

    This blog post is labelled "Advertorial". Advertorials are never free.
