Sunday, June 4, 2017

5 minutes and less than a dollar? Perfect.

Have you ever had a craving for some food which you have never liked before? 

OK, I know the ladies who have been pregnant before might have experienced this but what about us guys?

Well, I have never enjoyed porridge much. 

So, being on a low carbohydrate diet, it is one thing I do not miss. 

However, whenever I am feeling unwell, I seem to crave porridge. 

I don't know why it is so.

When I told a friend I have been having porridge recently, he asked what about my low carb diet? 

When I told him I have been preparing porridge without using rice, he was dumbfounded.

His expression was priceless and I thought my porridge recipe might be blog worthy.


Heat up some frozen fried chicken, frozen cooked vegetables (carrots, broccoli and cauliflower) in a microwave oven. 800 watts, 3 minutes. 

Then, put them in a blender with some hot water.
Blend and we get this. Porridge.
I added some black pepper for taste and also a spoonful of olive oil so that the meal keeps me full longer.

Time taken to prepare the meal? 

5 minutes or so.


Probably less than a dollar.

Add an egg if you like.

Probably still less than a dollar.

What did you say? 

Spend 5 hours preparing the perfect bowl of porridge?

Hey, do you think I am really mental? 

OK, don't answer that.

Related post:
How to recession proof your life?


  1. Interesting idea AK - am trying out a lower carb diet as well. Does this taste like porridge at all?

  2. Hi Brina,

    Tastes just like porridge. ;)

  3. Reader says...
    Long time no blog about food. Dun forget hor? lol

    AK says...
    OK. I will update readers on my diet too. Akan datang.
    While waiting, enjoy this re-blog and the music video. ;)
