Friday, March 30, 2018

1Q 2018 passive income from S-REITs.

If you have read my last blog on S-REITs, you would know where I stand when it comes to the issue of whether they are still relevant investments for income. 

If you cannot remember the blog, you might want to read it: HERE.

In 4Q 2017, my S-REIT portfolio grew a little and if you cannot remember why, read the blog: HERE.

What about 1Q 2018?

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you shouldn't have to worry about making a guess.

Yes, the size of my S-REIT portfolio shrank in 1Q 2018 and if you have followed the links above to read my past blogs, you would know that it isn't because I have lost faith in S-REITs as a class of investments for income.

Specifically, in 1Q 2018, I sold my investments in Soilbuild REIT (HERE) and ESR REIT (HERE).

The top 3 contributors in 1Q 2018 are:

IREIT Global

Regular readers and even newer readers would be quite familiar with my narrative on the first two.

If you are a newer reader or if you are forgetful (like me) and cannot remember why I invested in IREIT Global, you might want to read a blog: HERE.

How much did I receive in 1Q 2018?


Or $6,487.00 per month.

There will be different reactions to this number but, remember, everyone's circumstances are different. 

Some might find that what I have is still insufficient and some might think it is more than enough.

To achieve financial freedom, how much passive income do you need?

Don't look to me for the answer.

The answer is within you.

Related post:
Largest investments updated.


  1. Even King Midas, who already had rooms filled with Gold felt that he needed to turn everything he touched into Gold.
    And he got his wish when his only daughter turned to Gold the moment he kissed her.

  2. Hi Laurence,

    There is an important lesson in this.

    Thank you for sharing. :)
