Thursday, August 2, 2018

Evening with AK and friends 2018.

Many have been asking when the next "Evening with AK and friends" is going to take place?

Some have been asking since the beginning of the year.

My reply has been that there would definitely be one before the year ends.

Many have asked that the venue be a bigger one because the tickets are always sold out so quickly.

So, this time, we have booked an event hall twice as big as the last one.

This will be the largest "Evening with AK and friends" yet.

Hopefully, it is large enough to satisfy the demand.

Some have even asked if they could book the tickets in advance?

So, ticketing is taking place months before the event date.

Now, if you have been to "Evening with AK and friends" before and want to join us again, you would know what it is all about.

I must say I don't know why some of you attend each and every "Evening with AK and friends".

Don't you think once is enough and twice might already be too much?

OK, I think I have managed to make new readers think twice about joining us.


Bad AK! Bad AK!

Now, seriously, "Evening with AK and friends" is simply a chit chat session.

Yes, it is unstructured (and unpredictable) chit chat.

How the evening flows would depend on questions from the audience.

Don't come with any expectations (unless it is one of fun and laughter) and you (probably) won't be disappointed.

Like my friend, Rusmin, said before,

"AK no substance never mind lah, can make us laugh enough already."

You have been warned.

Fri 23 November 2018

7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Singapore Time

Lifelong Learning Institute
11 Eunos Road 8
Event Hall 1-1/1-2
(Enter from Hall 1-1)
Singapore 40860

Buy tickets: HERE.
(Don't kiasu and buy tickets without first reading this blog post hor. Don't suka suka buy hor. Know what you are buying, remember?)

No food or drink will be provided.

Please have dinner before coming or bring something that you can have during the break.

Consistent with AK's healthier lifestyle and going green, please bring your own drinking water too.

Related post:
Chatting and charting with AK.


  1. Hi AK,
    Bought! I hv been a silent reader of your blog. it's great to hv chance to meet you finally, though cannot see your "true face". looking forward to the session!


  2. HI AK,

    I just bought the ticket and looking forward to seeing you!! though won't hv chance to see your "true face"... lol~
    thanks for always talking to yourself and the blog really benefits and inspired me!

  3. Hi 醒醒 James,

    I am glad you have found my blog inspiring and beneficial.

    Just remember that it is just a casual chit chat session and you won't be disappointed. ;)

    Actually, I suspect many come just to take a selfie with me. :p

  4. Hi Genie,

    Unfortunately, yes.

    It sold out faster than expected. :(

  5. Woah, AK, sold out in 1 day le, jin sad

  6. Hi AK,

    I just wanted to buy today, but sold out already, jin sad :(

  7. Hi Sendy,

    Honestly, after doubling the number, I did not expect the tickets to sell out so quickly. :(

  8. Would you consider live streaming the event for the benefit of those who did not manage to get a ticket?
    Or at least recording the session and uploading it?


  9. Hi Unknown,

    Unlike the times when I was invited to speak at, for example, InvestX Congress, "Evening with AK and friends" is totally off the cuff and it is when I let my hair down (so to speak).

    More often than not, I might say something I wouldn't have normally said or shouldn't have said at all and could be totally inappropriate or even insensitive.

    So, no, it would not be fun (nor safe) for me if it is recorded or streamed life. ;)
