Sunday, February 9, 2020

Coronavirus in Singapore means no milk and cheese for AK.

AK enjoys visits to the supermarkets.

See this blog, for example:

My food bill grew but my weight reduced.

Having meals at home is one way to keep cost of living low in Singapore.

It seems that more Singaporeans are latching on to this idea of having meals at home now.

However, it is probably not to save money.

Yesterday, AK went to the supermarket to get some milk and cheese.

Guess what happened?


Never before.

It was madness.

The lines snaked all the way into unimaginable places of the supermarket for lines to form.

Now, since we are supposed to avoid crowded places, I decided that waiting in line for possibly an hour or more was probably not a good idea.

People have gone mad in Singapore.

Mad with fear of the Wuhan coronavirus.

Is the situation so deadly now?

This is taken from Ministry of Health.

We are at DORSCON Orange.

What does DORSCON stand for?

Disease Outbreak Response System Condition.

DORSCON Orange isn't all that dire as the situation is contained.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged calm, saying Singapore had "ample supplies" and there was no need for people to stock up with items such as instant noodles or toilet paper.

"Fear can do more harm than the virus itself," he said in a statement.

Source: Reuters.

While it is understandable that the current situation is causing concern, please do not panic.

Please do not go crazy hoarding essentials.

Please do not deprive AK of milk and cheese.
(Added at 7.45PM)

I just saw a video on shopping in a supermarket in Wuhan and would like to share it here in ASSI:

This video was shared on YouTube yesterday.

Things are pretty grim but life goes on.

Wuhan is the epicenter of the current coronavirus crisis.

If Wuhan can stay calm, so can we!
PM Lee Hsien Loong's remarks on the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Situation in Singapore on 8 February 2020:

Related posts:
1. Wuhan coronavirus and our REIT investments.
2. Wuhan coronavirus is war and are we ready?




    Can Or Not?

  2. Hi RayNg,


    I like that.

    Made my day.

    Thank you. ;)
