Friday, April 7, 2023

Why do we obsess with salaries? Why compare?

This is the first time I am doing this.

It is the transcript of a YouTube video I made recently. 

People who prefer reading might like this.
Regular long-time followers of my blog know that I have become very reclusive in my retirement.

There are many reasons why this is so. 

One reason is because I retired relatively early in a society where it is not the norm. 

This leads to some awkward moments for me even with members of the extended family. 

Like most Singaporeans I know, they like to ask the following question. 

"What do you do?" 

I would feel like telling them that I am a NEET. 

However, I am sure they wouldn't know what that is. 

So, I just tell them I am jobless. 

OMG! Someone only in his early fifties and jobless? 

Next question. 

"How long have you been jobless?" 

About 7 years. 

OMG! He has been jobless since his mid-forties! 

Oh, in case you don't know, NEET stands for Not in Employment, Education or Training. 

Basically, it just means I am a non-productive member of society. 

Of course, even if I should be gainfully employed, they are not shy to ask the next question. 

I am sure you know what it is. 

"How much do you make?" 

The Singaporean obsession with salaries. 

I still remember the time when a reader told me he found my blog through a forum which discussed salaries in Singapore. 

I was so stunned like vegetable! 

I have had to suffer comparisons with my cousins in my years growing up. 

"You know your cousin so and so?" 

"You know he got full marks for his tests?" 

Of course, I am talking about school days. 

These days, the only tests I take are blood tests. 

Anyway, one day, I got so fed up that I told my mother to stop comparing me with others! 

I am sure the comparing continues but if I don't hear about it, it doesn't affect me. 

Unfortunately, at family gatherings, it is hard not to hear such things. 

A friend told me recently that my passive income puts me on par with the top decile of household income in Singapore. 

I didn't know this. 

I worry about inflation, and I worry about whether I would have sufficient passive income. 

Of course, I have always been a worrier, and I don't think I would ever stop worrying. 

Anyway, I found out that the top 10% of households in Singapore had an average monthly income of $13,626 in 2021. 

So, my friend is right. 

OMG! Am I the one comparing now? 

You know what they say? 

Misery loves company. 

Miserable people are comforted knowing they are not alone. 

So, I should not be too reclusive. 

I should not shun company. 

I just have to be in the right company.

(While I am at it, do you know what is the 2022 average monthly income of the top 10% of households in Singapore? 
If you have the numbers, please let me know in the comment section.)

Related posts, maybe:
1. Chinese New Year secret.


  1. according to Singstat for Average Monthly Household Income from Work Per Household Member (Including Employer CPF Contributions) Among Resident Employed Households

    Top decile for 2022 household income per household member is 14,354.


  2. Hi Deet,

    Thanks very much for this! :D

    So, the top decile in Singapore saw monthly income per household member increasing from $13,626 in 2021 to $14,354 in 2022.

    That is a 5.4% increase, year on year.

    Pretty decent since it is at least keeping pace with inflation. :)

  3. Hehe..Your job can be a private investor or financial influencer. Many folks in financial forums or telegram are inspired by your blog including myself.

  4. Hi GPI,

    I had a PTSD moment right there. ;p

    Jokes aside, blogging is really just a hobby.

    If I treat it as a job, I wouldn't enjoy it as much.

    Also, there is the fact that it isn't very rewarding financially but, to be fair, that is probably because potential sponsors find me uncontactable these days.

    I know there are financial forums but what is telegram?

    AK is such a dinosaur.

  5. Telegram is just like whatapps for people with similar interest. For example, there are telegram group for FIRE , Dividend investment and Reits investors. Your blog articles always get posted there. You are more valuable than you thought as social media spread much faster. You are much respected in Spore investment community as you share your investment idea freely online unlike some gurus charging thousands just to hear them talk.

  6. Hi GPI,

    Oh, I see. I don't use Whatsapp.

    Telegram sounds so retro but if it is just like Whatsapp, unlikely I would use it too.

    It would be too disturbing for my liking. ;p

    Thank you for enlightening me.

    As for charging thousands to hear them talk, if I want a job, I will learn to do what these investment gurus do.

    Sorry, couldn't resist it. ;p

  7. its nice that your parents and you have a loving relationship despite the comparisons. I was on reddit recently and many children are very upset with comparisons, and it greatly affects their relationship with their parents

  8. Hi gagmewithaspoon,

    I am always counting my blessings.

    My parents are pretty understanding most of the time.

    Only human, we have our differences and we have quarreled before.

    Communication is important.

    Being able to compromise is even more important. :)
