Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Lean F.I.R.E. and Barista F.I.R.E. World of Warships!

During my recent podcast with The Fifth Person, Adam asked me if I knew about F.I.R.E.

I told him I only learned about F.I.R.E. after I did it!

And there are so many versions of F.I.R.E. since the time I found out about it.

Of course, if you have been reading my blog regularly, you would have read my piece on Lean F.I.R.E. which I published not too long ago.

I didn't think it was a good idea.

Basically, it meant having only enough financially to fund a very simple early retirement lifestyle.

Lean F.I.R.E. leaves little or no room for error.

Without any buffer, if we should have a situation where inflation increases rapidly and stays persistently high, we could be forced to rejoin the labor force, and when we are much older too.

Of course, if we depend on some passive income to fund our Lean F.I.R.E. plan, we would have to depend on the reliability of such passive income too.

Rejoin the labor force when we are older because we have no choice but to do it?

Not a pleasant thought.

Being a worrier, I cannot live like that and would probably not be able to sleep at night.

I remember some people saying I could have retired earlier.

Why did I wait till I was 45 years old?

For one thing, my plan was always to retire at 45.


Another thing, I was worried I might not have enough, and having more money is always better.

Yes, I was building a buffer.

Some might even say I was building a buffer for my buffer.

Or was it a buffer for a buffer that's for another buffer?

Whatever we might call it, it's all good.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we had an acid test for all F.I.R.E. practitioners.

Not everyone could stay retired as we saw some rejoining the workforce.

I think they would have been mostly people who practiced Lean F.I.R.E.

Anyway, this is just my view.

I am not demonizing Lean F.I.R.E. or anything.

I just feel strongly that if we are planning for Lean F.I.R.E., we must be aware of the potential pitfalls.

Then, I recently read about "Barista F.I.R.E."

That name conjured for me a Bohemian image.

Quite an attractive image, to be honest.

I found out that Barista F.I.R.E. basically meant semi-retirement, or at least that is what people my age would call it.

We would continue to be in the workforce but we would be working part time in Barista F.I.R.E.

So, this means we have more time to do the stuff we like.

For people who are tired of working full time, this is certainly an option.

A viable one too.

For people who want to be a full time gamer like AK, of course, this is not an option.

OK, I know.

Bad AK! Bad AK!

Talking about games, this is my latest warship, the Tier 9 Roon, which is a German cruiser.

In my blog dated 28 July, I shared a photo of my warship then which was a Tier 6 German cruiser.

This being a public holiday, if you should be interested in a free to play video game, try World of Warships on the Asian server. 

I am having a lot of fun and have not spent a single cent.

Use my referral link and both of us will get some freebies in game.

We can both F.I.R.E. at some enemy warships!

World of Warships. (AK's referral link.)

On a serious note, I think that Barista F.I.R.E. seems like a safer choice compared to Lean F.I.R.E. for people who wish to retire earlier with less money.

Barista F.I.R.E. means never leaving the workforce which means staying connected and probably more employable.

In more difficult times, people who have left the workforce for some time might find it hard to find a job, especially when they are much older, and their skill sets might no longer be as relevant.

So, Barista F.I.R.E. allows more room for error.

There are many ways to crunch the numbers for Barista F.I.R.E.

If I were to do it, I would estimate how much I might need for 40 years if I would like to retire by age 45.

This is because the average lifespan for males in Singapore is 85 years old.

Of course, I am being very cautious here because I would invest for income and not just have the money sitting in a savings account to be drawn down.

However, in an extremely unthinkable situation where passive income froze, then, I would have to draw on my savings.

Then, after estimating how much I might need for 40 years, I would need to estimate how much my part time job would pay me in those 40 years.

Subtract that expected income from the expected expenses for 40 years and I would know how much money I must have by age 45 before I could execute Barista F.I.R.E.

Of course, if we factor in the expected passive income from our investments, then, the amount of money required before we could enjoy Barista F.I.R.E. would be reduced.

Anything to add?

I will say that for Barista F.I.R.E. to be quite comfortable and worry-free, we should still keep an emergency fund.

We must be ready for the possibility of not only our passive income slowing to a trickle or drying up completely (if we have been wise enough to invest in some income generating assets,) we must also be ready for the possibility of losing our part-time job.

Peace of mind is priceless.

Don't just say it.

Make sure we have done enough to truly have peace of mind.

Neither Lean F.I.R.E. nor Barista F.I.R.E. is for me.

They are watered down versions of the original concept of F.I.R.E. but they could be what some people want.

Quite possibly, some people might even need them.

Have to be fair.

To be sure, I am not judging anyone for choosing these forms of F.I.R.E.

It is never my way or the highway.

As usual, I am just talking to myself.

If AK can talk to himself, so can you!

Happy National Day!

Visit AK's YouTube Community page:

1. Retirement drawdown strategy.
2. Avoid Lean F.I.R.E. and struggling with higher costs.


  1. Lean F.I.R.E will fail once one finds oneself ill. Outpatient care is typically not covered by personal health insurance. Have a friend already spent thousands of dollars this year and specialists have yet to figure out what is wrong. Investigative scans and bloodtests are not cheap, even in public institutions. I have also found medisave withdrawal rules to be too restrictive. I almost regret my medisave topups.

    Taking care of oneself, will not guarantee one to be free from illness forever.

  2. Hi AK,
    Really interesting and entertaining youtube video! Love it, keep on going!
    By the way! Have you seen Sabana Reit recent new? Any thoughts?

  3. Hi zhenling,

    We can buy the best private shield plan and critical illness coverage but there is still a chance they would not cover everything.

    If we want everything to be covered, it would probably be too expensive.

    Unfortunately, we can only do what is within our means. (TmT)

    As for money in my Medisave Account, I just think of it as the government paying me money to pay for my shield plan. ;p

    How to get free medical insurance?

  4. Hi Max,

    Watch my YouTube videos for some fun and laughter is a good idea. :)

    Don't take them too seriously. ;p

    As for Sabana REIT, internalizing the manager has many advantages.

    It just depends on whether it could be implemented smoothly.

    In Croesus Retail Trust's case many years ago, the external manager did it voluntarily and the process was very expeditious.

    It is not the case now for Sabana REIT as ESR wants to hang on.

    Will just have to wait and see.

  5. AK is not a worrier, he's a warrior!

  6. Hi RP,

    Used to play warriors in high fantasy MMORPGs.

    These days, I prefer to play wizards and kill things from far.

    Much safer. ;p

    Yes, AK worries about dying even in game. (TmT)

  7. Hi AK,
    IREIT has dropped to 0.405. Would you know what's the reason for the drop?
    Did you pick up more stocks?
    Thank you!

  8. Hi Angeline,

    If I must make a guess, it could be because IREIT saw a decline in its DPU.

    At 40.5c per unit, it is not much lower than the price of the rights units in the recent issue.

    So, not that interesting to me for now.

    However, if unit price should go below 40c, I would probably want to buy more if I can find some spare money.

    If I weren't already invested, I would buy some now as I feel it is really good value for money.

    There will be some challenges in the next couple of years for REITs but IREIT has a very strong balance sheet which should let it weather the turbulence better than most.

  9. Hi AK

    Not into gaming, but hope AK Navy will outrank SG Navy in time to come :)

  10. Hi Yv,

    LOL. Thank you plenty plenty. :D

    I have more than 10 warships in my port now.

    German, Spanish and Japanese cruisers.

    Japanese battleships.

    An American destroyer and an American aircraft carrier. :D
