Monday, February 26, 2024

Investing for income more difficult as CPF SA goes away?

Recently, I blogged about how the CPF SA would vanish once we turn 55 from 2025.

This was, of course, announced during Budget 2024.

Many people have thought of using the CPF SA as one of the ways to generate passive income in retirement.

That is now out the window.

We would be left with the CPF RA which we can choose to top up to the ERS which is going to be 4x the BRS instead of 3x the BRS.

We would still have the OA but that attracts only 2.5% p.a. and not 4.0% p.a.

That 1.5% p.a. difference is a big deal for some people.

Imagine a $200,000 sum would see a difference of $3,000 which could cover a month's worth of expenses for some retirees.

So, how are we going to make up for the shortfall?

For as long as I have been blogging and longer than that, if I were to consider my pre-blogging days, I have said that CPF is a cornerstone in our retirement funding strategy.

However, it should not be the be all and the end all.

We should learn to invest for income in addition to having the CPF as a cornerstone.

Of course, when I say "we", I am referring those of us who are not born with a spoon made of some precious metal in our mouth.


CPF should be the ultimate safety net for most of us in case all else should fail.

I have shared my journey as an investor in all these years of blogging and many have asked me to conduct courses.

Of course, being lazy, I have refused again and again.

However, regular readers know that there is one course I have been promoting year after year.

Yes, Dividend Machines.

Dividend Machines is a course on investing for income and it is conducted yearly by The Fifth Person.

Being the first blogger to promote Dividend Machines so many years ago, I am happy to promote the course again this year.

Learn to invest for income and be less reliant on the CPF to fund our retirement.

Learn to build our own Dividend Machines.

Learn more about Dividend Machines using this link:


Value for money.

Or else AK would not promote it.

Dividend Machines will help beginners and seasoned investors alike.

Roar to financial freedom in the Year of the Dragon!

If AK can do it, so can you.


  1. The CPF to me is just another type of life annuity which I can rely upon when I reach my retirement.

    Personally, I believe in having a diversified source of income from different platforms. I have been maintaining another life annuity from private insurance which will also start paying me at 65. This along with other passive income mechanisms which I have built over the years should help cushion any unforeseen occurrence.

    The loss of SA after 55, well... is unexpected. Still, it is just a change in the system, Human are innovative, maybe somehow along the way another alternative idea will evolve out of it. :)

  2. Hi TDT,

    Personally, I expected them to stop CPF shielding one way or another when I blogged about the matter a few years ago.

    However, I was surprised by the removal of the SA in order to plug the loophole.

    Yes, the CPF should be a cornerstone in our retirement funding strategy and for those of us who are financially more comfortable, we should have other cornerstones. :)

    No more shielding of CPF soon.
