Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Crazy Rich Asians or Pragmatic Rich Asians?

I know my blog has some reach beyond the shores of our tiny island nation of Singapore.

Remember how I received a not too glamorous award from a forum in China recently?

Once upon a time in China, Weibo says 铁公鸡AK 还好没结婚!

I would like to share a conversation I had with a reader from Hong Kong some time ago:

Reader says...
Hope you don't mind a guy from H.K. dropping a line.

Indeed I used to stay in Singapore for a few years back 20 years ago.

As far as I know Singaporeans at that time liked luxury items, and home as well of course.

It is kind of having face, isn't it?

Glad to find AK's blog which share a different view from the majority (Forgive me, if this sounds offensive, on my poor English).

Personally I do agree with your mentality but I think You would appear a bit odd in the main stream?

AK says...
I think having face is more important in Asian societies compared to western societies.

I could be wrong but this is from my own observation and Hong Kong is probably the same as Singapore in this respect.


I am crazy. ;p

(But not a Crazy Rich Asian hor.)

Reader says...
You are right that face matters in Asian community so does it in H.K. as well.

I am not sure if I still understand Singaporean correctly now but as far as Honkies, I think they are more pragmatic than their counterparts.

I don't say they don't care face but when it comes to money, they prefer money more than face.

People on the street don't put many luxury branded things on them.

I think they like the (saved) money better.

I did find that you guys discussed a lot on financial freedom but don't you guys have the CPF which is supposed to support the post retirement living?

Is it not adequate for the purpose or you guys just want a better than standard living, apart from the possible and unpredictable retrenchment?

Guys, here in H.K. also has a growing concern about financial freedom because our MPF, a copycat of CPF but much less effective, is just a joke.

We really need to be on our own feet after retirement.

No la, you are not crazy at all but just pragmatic and rational.

AK says...
Thank goodness we have the CPF! :)

However, not every CPF member knows how to make good use of it.

For those who know, who are able and willing to, they could have a million dollars in their CPF by the time they retire from active employment.

Enough or not?

That depends on the individual. ;)

A problem with our CPF system is that the government allows members to use their CPF savings for too many things and people forget the primary purpose of the CPF.

More and more CPF members who have used their CPF savings to pay for their homes might find out as they grow older that they might not have enough CPF savings to fund their retirement.

Is it true that Hong Kong people are more pragmatic than Singaporeans?

Do they care more about having money than having face?

I don't know but I know that housing cost is through the roof in Hong Kong and I know that unlike our CPF system, their MPF does not provide a relatively reasonable risk free return.

So, perhaps, this is why they are more worried than Singaporeans about their personal financial health.

I was once told that if we can climb the corporate ladder in Hong Kong successfully, we can do well anywhere in the world because it is that stressful.

I am very fortunate to be a Singaporean and this is one blessing I count all the time.

My fellow Singaporeans, we might not be Crazy Rich Asians but if we do the right things, we will be Pragmatic Rich Asians.

If AK can do it, so can you!

Related posts:
1. If we are not rich, don't act rich.
2. Almost 55, worried about CPF.
3. FRS by age 35 and $1M in CPF.


  1. Kor Chin Wee says...
    AK global star liao. 😛

    Adeline Low says...
    Ok, if AK can do it so can we. 😊

  2. AK might soon be depicted in a new Hollywood Blockbuster. Lol.

  3. Hi Laurence,

    I think "Crazy Rich Asians" has more popular appeal.

    "Pragmatic Rich Asians" will probably put most audiences to sleep! :p

  4. Quote.
    "Pragmatic Rich Asians" will probably put most audiences to sleep! :p

    BREAKING NEWS: ASSI stars in new blockbuster lullaby movie that promises to put all chronic insomniacs to sleep.


  5. Hi Laurence,


    I need that.

    I really need that. ;p
