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Bad things happen.

Friday, July 19, 2024

One thing I have blogged about on and off over the years is how things could go wrong.

Bad things happen.

Very often, they happen without warning.

In my last YouTube video, I said that I was making trips to the hospital.

The month of July has turned out to be much busier than I had planned.

I have been so busy dealing with stuff that I have not had much time for gaming, which was the reason for a planned busier month of July initially.

It has affected me physically, mentally and emotionally.

So, apologies for the silence.

I don't intend to share the details of what has happened but I hope readers and viewers understand bad things do happen to us from time to time.

Some things are worse than others.

Anyway, just to touch base to say I am still around although not feeling 100%.

Just have to roll with the punches and deal with it.

In point form, here are things I am doing and thinking of, for those who might be interested.

1. Making multiple trips to the hospital.

4 to 5 days a week. 

This takes up several hours per visit including driving time.

I was caught in a jam one day which resulted in spending 1 hour in the car, driving one way.

I was exhausted.

Very uncomfortable but necessary.

In case readers are wondering, my dad is in a hospital that's close to my family home but far from my place.

2. Cost could mount.

Medishield Life covers a big chunk of expenses.

However, there would still be out of pocket expenses.

Some will be significant especially those involving long term care.

My mom has Incomeshield but my dad doesn't.

3. Buying another car.

I was thinking of not getting another car once my current car's COE expires.

Too expensive and I don't really need a car for my lifestyle.

However, this unfortunate event has made me reconsider.

Need a car to ferry my parents.

I could extend the COE of my car by 5 years.

Then, I decided I should get a car which is friendlier to old people.

Getting in and out of my current car has become challenging for my parents.

It is likely to become more challenging in time to come.

So, I must set aside $200K for this.

I know that is a lot of money.

Unfortunately, that's how much an average family car costs in Singapore these days.

I will wait and see how things go since my current car still has more than a year left to go.

4. Long term change to my lifestyle.

Depending on how thing go, the lifestyle I have been enjoying in the last 8 years could change.

It could change drastically.

My hobbies, including blogging and YouTube, would have to take a backseat.

5. Personal health.

My personal health has been going downhill.

That is to be expected with age.

I have been experiencing pain in my left arm.

Persistent pain.

I was given muscle relaxant but it didn't help.

Will be seeing the doctor before end of the month.

6. Not sleeping well.

I have always had trouble getting enough sleep.

Monkey brain.

Everything has resulted in worsening this problem.

This has made me very irritable.

7. Social interaction.

I have lost interest in interacting with people.

I mean I have always been reclusive and prefer my own company.

However, through blogging and making YouTube videos, I have been having a higher level of social interaction.

I am wary of this loss of interest because it is one of the signs of depression.

I am not there yet since I am OK enough to blog about my current situation.

To be honest, I didn't feel like blogging.

Then, why did I decide to do it?

Writing has always helped me to organize my thoughts and to make sense of my emotions.

Writing is therapeutic for me.

Since I was going to do some writing anyway, I might as well do it in my blog.

Fair warning.

I appreciate people showing concern.

However, please do not be offended if I do not reply to your comments.

Not immediately or in the near future, anyway.

Crossing fingers that things get better.

If they do, I will be back.


Mister Boon said...

Take good care AK! Hope all would be good over your side!

Cheers :)

Joe Kow said...

Take care AK. Do what you have to do. I took care of my papa for 15 years. Yes, much considerations, changes, adjustments, putting things on hold and its not just about ourselves. He left us end of last year at age 83. Felt blessed to be with him all the way because we can.

Bren said...

Hey AK, praying that all will be well for you!
Like you said bad things may happen when we least expect.. to put it bluntly there's never a guarantee that there will be a tomorrow. But do not be discouraged as each one of us goes through different trials and tribulations in our lives.

Unknown said...

Please take care AK. My old father also had a fall recently, broke his leg and required surgery. Its a lot of work, taking him to and fro from the hospital, and taking care of his daily activities since he cannot walk for at least 3 months. I think our parents requiring our assistance more and more, and our bodies gradually breaking down is inevitable. We need to prepare ourselves mentally for all these. Accept that what we envisioned to be the perfect lifestyle might be incompatible with what our current conditions and responsibilities demand of us. Its easier said than done. For myself, being a Buddhist helps a lot. As it helps me situate myself, my perspective in the larger scheme of things. Ok, i shall stop here, I don't want to be seen to be preaching. So please just keep writing if you find it helpful and just enjoyable for yourself. You see, what you wrote above shows thats you are very self aware of your irritability, your inclination towards depression, etc. This is very good and healthy actually. If you can observe all these, you are not really absorbed and carried away by all these. Please take care and just keep in mind that you have many readers and friends here who are concern for you. Jia you!

Boon Tee said...

Hi AK,

Read your post.
Take good care of your family.
Hope everything turns out well.

Boon Tee

Petra said...

Take care of yourself. Continue to write as you chronicle your journey, it is a great way to de-sress.
May Almighty God give you peace and a good sleep!

Tony King said...

Hi AK, whatever struggles you are facing... remember the quote "this too shall pass"
Hang in there, will pray for you & your parents...
Take care!

SN said...

Take care AK. Hope all will be well soon 🙏

Learner said...

Hi AK,

Pls do remember to take good care of yourself & your own well-being too.

When you're feeling down, do remember that things will always eventually get better. You just need to endure the bad situation for a while, then when things get more settled down, the situation will automatically look better than initially thought.

Also, do remember that you have people out there who truly cares about you and your well-being, and I'm one of them.

For your sleep problems, I've heard that local psychiatrists now have a new medicine called Lemborexant that simultaneously targets both insomnia and overactive thinking, and it's not addictive. See whether you want to check with your psychiatrist for its suitability to you.

Note: you don't need to reply to this message coz I understand your situation, so no pressure. Gambatte! :)

JK said...

hi AK, may your dad's condition improve over time and recover. Good to have your arm checked. Hopefully reduced gaming will aid its recovery. Do take care. Will pray for you n your dad.

happy-go-lucky (: said...

Take care and hope everything goes well for you and your family!

KA said...

Hi AK,

Thanks for being open and willing to share your life with us. I suppose life is like stock market. There are ups and downs. Many things are not within our control. But one thing we have control over is our choice to believe in a higher power. I shall stop at here to avoid being religious. Will keep you and your family in prayers.

Separately, am always open to catch up if you need someone to talk to. Just drop me an email. Take care.

Teck Huat said...

加油 AK,take care !

ted said...

Hi AK,
I'm not the best with words of comfort, but GAMBATTE!
"This too shall pass."

Unknown said...

Hi AK,

I like to suggest eating more green veggies and leafy veggies, they contain many minerals such as calcium and magnesium good for muscles, bones, nails, skin, hair and sleep.


Rot and Roses said...

AK, I'm 'delurking' to say that I've enjoyed your blog for a while. Your silly uncle jokes make me smile. I am sad that these misfortunes have befallen you, and I hope there will be sunlight and warm clouds ahead soon. - Kaye

SonnyP said...

Bad thing when it happens is no respecter of persons. I am hoping that your condition will improve, or better still go away.

Siew Mun said...

Beware of going into depression. I was on a brink.

Ben said...

Hey AK, I don't usually comment, but I would like to say that you have been a positive impact in my life with your sharing. I am praying for your recovery and peace in your family.

Mei said...

Hi AK, pl take care and maintain your social interaction through blogging.

Regarding your plan to purchase another car, I suggest trading in your current car to offset the cost and get a better deal, rather than scrapping it when the COE expires and then purchasing another car.

Yv said...


Hope you stay calm and strong amidst the storm.
Family's important and so is your own health and mind. Take care of yourself and hope you will reach out to your close circle of friends when you are down

Patrick Maurin said...

Hoping that everything will get better soon, take care of your family and of you also, cheers 🙏

cw said...

you may wish to consider approaching the hospital medical social service dept for assistance in terms of financial and non financial support.

if western medication doesn't help with your condition, you may like to consider tcm.

Angeline(: said...

Hi AK,
I empathise with your situation, and hope you feel better soon.
Try getting some morning walks and movement in and being around nature, it may help to some extent.
Take care of yourself, rooting for you.

SEO workshop said...

Heya, I was linked to your blog from FB and found out about what you have been going through lately. The fact that you have lost interest in some things may suggest that you are changing (and change may not be a bad thing). Perhaps it is time to take stock of your life and discover what these changes are and what is really troubling you.

ThE AvErAgE SiNGaPoReAn MaLe said...

Hi AK, sorry to hear about the things going on. Life is full of ups and downs. Our parents aging is a phase that many of us need to go through unfortunately. My parents too both have no insurance so can sort of understand the worries.

Regarding a vehicle for ferrying old folks, I think it's a sound consideration. Are you looking at MPV type like Freed or Odyssey? these are suitable for old folks to get on and alight. Can probably get second hand below 200k. For your left arm, is it at the shoulder portion? For folks after 50, there are still some unexplained shoulder conditions that happen without much aggravations. If it's the shoulder, TCM may help more.

Hope that you will weather things on your end and look forward to your next posts when you are ready!

GreenOcean said...

Hi AK, do take care! And hope for you and your father speedy recovery.

-not expecting any reply…

sid said...

Take good care, AK

Rellangis said...

Hi AK,

My thoughts are with you and your family.
Glad you are well and do take care.


MY said...

Sorry to hear that! I hope your dad will get better soon.

fisher said...

Jia you Ak! Will keep you and your family in prayers! looking at the brighter side, you gotten your finances in order and thus can handle the issue on hand without worrying much about monies.

Jacq said...

Take care.

MDN said...

Firstly, thank you for sharing on your investment plan and ideas which have benefited a lot of those who aspired to achieve financial freedom.

Sorry to hear about your family. My dad had passed away couple of years back. He was suffering from various chronic illness and was bedridden for many months before passing on. It was painful for our family especially seeing his suffering.

Through this, I have also learn the importance of health. While it is inevitable that all of us will age, we can do our part to delay the effect of aging through exercise, diet and etc. It take discipline, time and effort to achieve it but I can assure you that it is worth it as you get to enjoy your wealth with good health.

AK71 said...

Hello everybody,👋
I have read all your comments. 💯
Thank you for the kind words, encouragement and advice.👌
Things are beginning to settle down now but they will not go back to where they were.
To borrow a phrase from the Covid 19 pandemic, I have a new normal to adapt to.😷
I understand that I have to stay nimble because things could change again.
I have made plans but I shouldn't be too rigid. 🤞
Fortunately, my financial situation is stable and should be able to take a few knocks.
My investment portfolio is mostly OK on auto pilot and doesn't require more input from me.🤞
I won't be exploring new investment opportunities and won't have much to talk to myself about in the meantime.🤷‍♂️
So, I will be less active in social media. 🙊
Quarterly passive income updates should continue to happen but I don't expect too much activity. 🤔
If this is still interesting to you, stay tuned 😊
Till the next blog post, thanks a million. 👋

ET said...

hope all gets better for you AK, do take care of yourself too.
if need be do reach out to someone you can trust/confide in if things get too "low"

titan said...

Take as much time as you need for your family and yourself. Your community here have your back.

Hello said...

Jia you!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

You are not alone!

Do reach out if you need support or help!

The Dreamzola Traveller said...

Life is unpredictable. We should take care of ourselves. especially now that we are nearing or in 50s. My latest health report did not come out well, and that somehow triggered something in me.

Life is really short.

So I decided to activate FIRE. Gonna make a major revamp over my life now.
Pretty scary to think about it, because I will be leaving a stable employment of 18 years.

Kunio said...

Hi AK,
This no longer a blogspot for financial's more than that.
It's our only way of connection when we are down, or when you are low mood....

Reading comments is a way of encouragement.
Writing is a way of destress too.

Do what you need, and revisit us here when you like.

Take care.
Best Regards

Jean Yap said...

Hi AK, take care & jia you.
I suggest you put down the game and walk to the crowd.
There are plenty of products in the market can help you gain a good need to take medicine.

AK71 said...

Hi everybody,
Thanks for the encouragement and kind advice.
I am going through some rough time right now but I am optimistic that things will only get better. Crossing fingers.
I have come to accept that this is the new normal but I still need time to adapt.
Hence, the somber tone of my blogs and videos.
I could sugar coat and try to fake cheerfulness but that's not me.
Stiff upper lip and soldier on.
Thank you x1000. :)

MMG said...

I have been reading your blogs but never post any comments so far. Has benefited from your posts, learnt to better manage money. Both, myself and my husband are in our early 50, health declining, old parents to support with much health issue, schooling children to supports.

My husband tendered his resignation due to work bully. He was and is our only financial support. Now we got no work income.

Luckily, we were very prudent in managing our money, invested and sold a few properties in the last 12 years, managed to save enough to pull thru our current situation. Encourage my husband to pursue courses, back to school. No need to go back to corporate world. We built our little piggy bank from 0, and we certainly not going back to 0. But the worry will always be there. It was difficult, sleepless nights (still here), paralyzing clear thinking but accepting it.

Its better that he is healthy and still working hard to look for new opportunities than someone called me from his office to tell me he collapsed and hospitalized.

We standby our umbrella for sudden rain though not big umbrella. The storm will be over and gone, we just need to hold on tight to our little umbrella and stay together.

You will be good AK. Good and willing to share goodness people will be bless with goodness.

AK71 said...

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. :)
Thank you also for sharing your story with me.
It is good to have options in life and because you folks have been prudent financially and made right decisions along the way, you have options.
Your husband's experience shows the importance of financial independence.
Say "no" to being bullied and fire the employer!
100% support!
Of course, having luck on our side helps.
So, good luck to us all. :)

ynwen said...

Take good care AK! Its therapeutic to read your posts! :) Thank you and appreciate everything you have shared!

Believe things will get better for you!

kind regards

MilkTeaBro said...

Take care, AK. Your achievement is amazing, your investment journey encourages me. I am on the way to a comfortable retirement, hope I can early retire.

AK71 said...

Hi Wendy,
Thank you so much for your encouragement.
Things are better now. :)

AK71 said...

Hi MilkTeaBro,
Thanks for letting me know.
I am very happy that talking to myself has inspired many people to invest for a better financial future. Ultimately, I hope more people achieve financial freedom. :)
Gambatte! :D

MMG said...

Good Luck to us all!!! Stay healthy mentally and physically🙏🙏🙏

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