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Take that dream job and take on more risk?

Friday, March 24, 2017

This was my reply to a reader's email:

Hi L,

If you remember, I have a blog that says unless we are rich, be pragmatic, not romantic. Most of us have to work, exchanging our time and energy for pay.

If we are not financially secure, then, we might have to forgo that dream job which does not have a predictable income. Having a predictable income stream provides peace of mind which is priceless.

Your passive income stream just about meets your expenses. I don't see much of a buffer but I am usually conservative. Dream job or not, you decide.

As for taking risks (in the stock market), there is nothing wrong with taking a bit of risk as long as we size our positions properly.

Of course, if you are a speculator, then, sizing is out the window. If you are an investor, then, stay prudent. Which one are you? You decide.

The AK way? 

Be prudent. Be pragmatic. Be patient.

Best wishes,

Always remember, my way might not be your way. What we do depends on what we want to achieve.

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