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With some difficulty, AK says "good-bye".

Friday, November 14, 2014

When I was in secondary school, my family was staying in a HDB 3 room flat and my parents cordoned off a section of the living room for me to use as my bedroom and study area. 

In a way, I had the largest bedroom in the flat!

On hindsight, they did what they could to make our lives comfortable despite the difficult circumstances.

This is another reminder of my mother's love:

My mom bought this for me after I told her that my English Language teacher asked us to listen to the BBC as a means of improving our command of the language. 

She paid $40.00 for this and it worked tirelessly for 29 years.

The price tag stuck in my mind because I thought it was a lot of money back then.

Although I do not tune in to the BBC anymore, I would still tune in to a couple of local radio stations. 

Sound quality might not be amazing but it is clear and crisp.

Still serviceable, I will be giving it away to a co-worker who has greater utility for it. 

I think of it as a chance to unclutter my life as well which I have been doing a lot of recently.

Suddenly, however, it feels hard to say "good-bye".

Thank you for 29 years of faithful service.

Thank you, mom, for giving this to me.

Related posts:
1. Parting with an old friend.
2. My mug from 1987.
3. Ancient t-shirt is still good!


Investopenly said...

When I read the blog title, I thought the famous AK going to say goodby to the blog community.. Phew! What a relief! ;-)

From the post can tell that you are very 重感情!

coconut said...


i thought you are saying goodbye to us. lucky its not!

twinhills said...

thought you are waiving good-bye to your readers!

AK71 said...

Aiyoh, so drama. LOL.

Even if I were to stop blogging one day, it won't be a big deal. There are many better local personal finance and investment bloggers out there. :)

KC said...

Some how, old appliances like your National radio/cassette player and my KDK box fan lasted damn long. Old is gold!

Singapore Man of Leisure said...


Japanese quality good!

My automatic Seiko watch coming to 20 years now and still going strong ;)

I wish that could be said about my body :(


Rebel said...

It's a lovely radio

SMK said...

Very moved. Deeply touched.

Rolf Suey said...

Hi AK,

It's really nostalgic. So antique! All those cassette and radio player plus all the cassettes! I do not really have own room when young but love to sleep late and listen to radio.

To keep noise down, my small portable radio receiver and earpiece will accompany me at that time. Always have so much difficulty to get the right channel frequency because all is manual tuning.

When you starts to feel nostalgic, means you are getting old... Hahaha LOL

Cheers, Rolf

AK71 said...

Hi temperament,

I don't know if I am a good man but I know that I am always trying to be a better man. Still trying. :)

AK71 said...

Hi E H,

Yes, it seems to be the case.

Things were really made to last. These days, they will last as long as the warranty period. ;p

AK71 said...


When I finally go into semi-retirement, I will have more time on hand and no excuse not to do something to improve my physical fitness but there is nothing I can do about ageing body parts. -.-"

AK71 said...

Hi Rolf,

Well, I am past the big 4. So, getting more sentimental and nostalgic is normal, I guess. Ageing? Definitely! -.-"

AK71 said...

Hi Rebel and SMK,

You guys are making me regret my decision to part with the radio! I feel like calling my colleague to ask for it back now! ;p

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