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Tea with Matthew Seah: POSB Invest-Saver Account.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

POSB's newly launched Invest-Saver Account is a Regular Savings Plan that allows us to invest via a GIRO arrangement on a monthly basis.

No securities trading account or CDP account is required. 

All we need is a savings or current account with POSB.

It charges a flat fee of 1% per transaction.

For more information, go to:
POSB Invest-Save Account.

My take? 

In a nutshell:

If we are putting aside between $100 to $500 a month, POSB Invest-Saver is a good choice.

If we are putting aside more than $500 a month, OCBC Blue Chip Investment Plan is a better choice.

OCBC Blue Chip Investment Plan.

How much will my tea break and lunch cost tomorrow?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This is an impromptu blog post in response to a comment by a reader, Serendib, in an earlier blog post: here.

That is how much my tea break and lunch will cost tomorrow. Yup, a grand total of $1.00. Actually, it will be less because I will get a 5% rebate from the SMRT Pay Wave VISA and I will also get a rebate from being a NTUC CO-OP shareholder. If you can see me now, I am smiling.

Tea to be provided by the office pantry, of course.

I am quite looking forward to having this tomorrow. In fact, I am tempted to eat one now but I shall resist! Yum, yum.

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