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ASSI received US$15m offer!

Friday, January 4, 2013

UPDATED (29 Dec 16):

I was just offered $2.5 million on Facebook! What did I do? I rejected, of course. Please lah. $2.5 million only? It is nothing compared to the $15 million I was offered before.
Today could be an auspicious day. Today could be a historic day. Today could be a fortunate day. However, I laughed so hard that I think today is an amusing day. 

Read on.

From the desk of the
Chief Account Officer
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,
NNPC -Nigeria.

Attn: Sir,

Good day. I know this mail will come to you as a surprise but I need to contact you because of the urgency and confidentiality of this business transaction. I am Chief Account officer of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

I have a deal here in my office I need a foreign partner to execute with me. I and my colleague over invoiced a contract payment valued US$50million. We awarded contracts for the supply and maintenance of all the oil pipelines and oil drilling equipments for the nation oil wells to some foreign contractors valued US$103billion, which we over invoiced US$50 million addition to the total contract sum.

Now as a matter of fact, most of the contractors have been paid and the remaining contractor’s payments are under process to be paid to them. With that, I and my colleague have decided to include you among these remaining contractors to process the sum of the US$50Million in your company or in your name to claim it for our mutual benefit.

So I am now contacting you to present you as the sub-contractor who has this amount of US$50million to be paid for the supply of heavy oil drilling equipments used in recent overhauling of the refineries.

I will advice you furnish me with your personal information including your personal cell phone number and the name of your company with address to enable me register it with our cooperate affairs commission in charge of allied and companies registration as an indigenous company.

It is mandatory that any foreign company must be registered in this country. Also with your acceptance to execute this business with me, I need to be sure of your confidentiality towards the conclusion of this deal, you will be given 30% of the total amount, 5% map out for re-fund of expenses incur by any of the parties, while I and my colleague will take 65% once the money gets into your company account in your country.

Also with my position here, I can officially arrange with you to be lifting 2 or 4million barrels of Crude Oil per month by getting a year or two years crude Oil allocation contract in your name and company name whether you are here or not. With this we can make more money from the oil lifting here in Nigeria.

I will detail you more on this once I get your response.

Thank you and hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Send me your cell phone number to call you for more details.

Best Regards
Chief Account Officer (N.N.P.C)

Very nicely crafted. Now, what would you do if you were to receive an email like this?

Imagine ASSI rubbing shoulders with high ranking (corrupt) officials from Nigeria. Tsk, tsk. In this case, they are probably bogus high ranking (corrupt) officials. Double tsk, tsk!

OK, I have to go say the Lord's Prayer now.

Related posts:
1. Advice from a fraudster.
2. Taking candy from a baby.

P.S. To me, there is no short cut to wealth creation. We could try our luck at TOTO once in a while but what are the chances of winning? Of course, we might end up having to share the big prize money with 20 other winners too!

Wealth creation is best done with both feet on the ground and walking down well trodden paths.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: 2 books are better than 1.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Anyone who has been reading local personal finance blogs regularly in the last few years would have no doubt come across many accounts by bloggers about how they read a book titled "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki and that changed the way they looked at money.

The book is about financial independence achieved through the ownership of income producing assets instead of working for a salary our entire life. Robert Kiyosaki is a natural story teller and the book is inspirational.

If you should be interested in getting a copy. There are great bargains at BetterWorldBooks:
Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
 (Pre-owned copies available in good condition @ US$5.98 each)

Robert Kiyosaki also wrote another book which divides people into four distinct types:

E is for Employee
S is for Self-Employed or Specialist
B is for Big Business
I is for Investor

I would suggest this as a companion read to "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" as Robert tries to encourage readers to invest in financial education and to start investing for cash flow.

Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
 (Pre-owned copies available in very good condition @ US$6.98 each)

"It won’t happen overnight, and it will be hard work. But if you’re diligent, plan well, and execute your plan, you’ll be much better off in the future whether the markets are up or down." Robert Kiyosaki.

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Related posts:
1. ASSI is an affiliate of BetterWorldBooks.
2. Seven steps to creating passive income from the stock market.

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