Sharing a comment from Solace, an ASSI guest blogger. It has been a while since he wrote and this piece is a heartfelt one.
Solace says:
In trying to navigate through personal finance, I have learnt not to set conventional limitations on myself.
When I first started out, I thought I should only work from 8am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. No work for me on public holidays and on weekends.
Such thinking limits options to increase our income.
I know people who monetise their free time on weekend and public holidays to give tuition. Others work as relief taxi drivers on weekends.
I have 2 friends who are passionate about sports and music, respectively. Both hold full time jobs in the corporate world. One transforms himself into a swimming instructor during weekends and evenings while the other teaches music on his off days.
My industry and skillsets have allowed me to change from working regular hours to doing shift work.
Now, I am required to work on some weekends and public holidays. Sometimes, I am also rotated to work night shifts. I would also volunteer for overtime as long as I can make it. All this translates into higher income as a result.
Human capital is limited, make hay while the sun shines.
Try our best to make more money while we are younger and healthier.
"Winter is Coming" is a motto in Games of Thrones.
The meaning behind these words is one of warning and constant vigilance. There are always dark periods (“Winter”) in our lives even if things are good now ("summer").
In our context, winter can come in the forms of economic recessions (leading to retrenchment, pay cut, pay freeze, for examples). Of course, sickness and old age are inevitable.
I do hope that I am well prepared when “Winter” eventually comes into my life.
AK hopes that all of us are well prepared.
Do the right things because our lives can be and should be better.
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A young father says money not enough.