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Watch out as we look for gold in the ASSI jungle.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

ASSI has been around since 2009 and will be celebrating our 7th birthday in a few more months. 

Many things happened in the past. 

Some things good. Some things not so good. Some things not good at all.

Some of the good things that happened are the friendly banter with some readers and I am sharing one such conversation here:

  • Assi AK
    Assi AK

    It is just a place where I talk nonsense.

    When I am bored, it is an outlet. ;p

    I guess if one day someone offers to compile my blog posts and pay me a royalty, I can consider.
  • 12:05pm

    Your 'nonsense' is sensible to lots of people...
  • Assi AK
    Assi AK

    My blog is a jungle.... Just like my brain.
  • Assi AK
  • 12:06pm

    If a people hungry enough, he will dig your jungle as there are many gold in it...
  • Assi AK
    Assi AK

    I think have yam, bananas and potatoes.

    gold cannot eat de

  • 12:07pm

    I did it few year ago when I chance upon your blog... learn lots of investment tips, IQ, EQ...

  • 12:08pm

    Convert gold to $$$
  • Assi AK
    Assi AK

    I was wondering why I couldn't find any... You found them first!
  • 12:09pm

    Frankly, I only start equity investing ~5 year ago...

    You're humble lah...
  • Assi AK
    Assi AK

    I am full of nonsense lah... Life is too short to take myself too seriously. ;p
  • 12:11pm

    I choose and pick some of your nonsense... which make sense to me.

A jungle is full of resources but it could also be a dangerous place.

You are welcome to explore the jungle that is ASSI but tread carefully and be careful in deciding what are the resources you can use.

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