I have been making donations to NUS to help needy students for years, always making sure that my donations go to bursaries but this is the first time I am being invited to the award presentation.
Last year, I donated much more money than in previous years as I donated the proceeds from the many sessions of "Evening with AK and friends" I had last year as well.
"It is our honour to host this dinner to recognise our donors..." Professor Tan Eng Chye.
It is nice to be appreciated but I don't think I will attend the function.
Must go in office attire.
I am so used to my comfortable shorts, t-shirt and flip flops these days.
Yes, I know.
Bad AK! Bad AK!
If we have money to invest with, we are probably more fortunate than most.
If we can afford to help the needy, why not?
Can't donate much?
Well, honestly, I am more impressed with a $20 donation from a regular middle income employee than a $100 donation from a multi-millionaire towkay.
If you would like to make a donation to help needy students too, please read the related post below.
十年树木,百年树人. |
"The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more." Charlie Munger
Related post:
Helping needy students.