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Use POSB Invest Saver as a war chest?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hi Mr AK,
I would like to ask whether do you have any past blog post regarding POSB Invest Savers scheme as I would like to apply for this scheme so I could save up with the allowances I will be receiving during my NS period.

However, my concern is throughout the long run, lets say there is a recession and there are many good opportunities/companies to invest in and I would like to redeem the units I have in this scheme...

When we buy into (POSB Invest Saver), we are pooling money for investing in a basket of stocks. 

It has advantages and disadvantages. 

We cannot have our cake and eat it too.

If you are concerned, it could be a better idea to hold on to cash and wait for opportunities. 

Money in an ETF is money invested. 

You should not think of it as a war chest.

(Neither should it be thought of as an emergency fund.)

Related posts:
1. How to get $50K passive income in stocks?
2. POSB Invest Saver account.

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