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Tom Ford Nicole Sunglasses - Only US$129.99

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I am not a fashionable person and I had no idea what was Tom Ford until a friend told me it is a luxury brand a few months ago.

This friend of mine also bought a pair of Tom Ford glasses. My glasses almost fell off my face when I heard the price!

If we must buy luxury brand goods, at least we should get them at good prices. Well, that's how I see it anyway.

From now through the 19th, you can buy Tom Ford Nicole Sunglasses for only US$129.99 for a savings of US$260.01 (67%).

This is an amazing product deal. So, I am promoting it while it lasts.

Tea with AK71: McDonald's shows us how!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We often come across signs at eateries which say "No studying." Although these signs do the job, they are not very friendly and they do nothing positive for the public image of the establishment as well.

We know the reason for these signs but couldn't they be worded nicely?

A good example of how it should be done!
Thumbs up for McDonald's!

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