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Luck plays a part in investing.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I would readily admit anytime that luck plays a part in investing and I would also find a businessman who admits some of his success is due to luck to be more believable.

If someone claims that his success is due to his foresight and never luck, good for him but forgive me if I say I do not believe him. 

I am sure we have come across people like this in our lives. 

They are full of confidence and think that they can do no wrong.

Some might find such confidence attractive and gravitate towards such personalities. 

It is quite natural. 

Mind you, I am not saying that it is wrong to do so. 

There must be some reasons other than luck which have contributed to the success these personalities enjoy. 

So, there must be lessons we could learn from them.

The important thing is not to surrender our cognitive abilities and be swept away by emotions. 

They are as human as all of us although some might want us to think otherwise.

The Chinese have a saying:


People could make plans and put them in motion but whether the plans succeed or not depends on the heavens.

Related post:
Motivations and methods in investing.

Is AK71 going to stop blogging?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

In the last one week, I have not blogged about investing in stocks. In fact, I have not done any substantial blogging at all. Quite suddenly, I found my energy level to be quite low. It is almost as if I am running on empty now.

I decided to spend more time doing things for myself and that is exactly what I have been doing. I cannot say that I have been doing anything progressive but I think I have been doing things which I was doing a lot more of in the past, things which I enjoyed but have neglected since I started blogging.

In a few replies to readers, I revealed that I want to spend some time thinking about my blogging efforts and the direction which my blog should take in future. Honestly, I haven't been spending much time thinking about it. However, the time I did spend thinking about the matter did not yield any clear direction. Perhaps, I shouldn't think too much and time would tell me what to do eventually.

In a reply to a reader, I said that "I might not stop blogging but I think I will be powering down. Feeling somewhat drained." Having said that, I have conflicting feelings within me as to how I should be blogging henceforth and, indeed, whether I should continue blogging. I cannot help but question if my blogs have done more harm than good.

I have shared freely my thoughts on many things in ASSI. Through it all, I injected my personal beliefs which included pragmatism, integrity and compassion. Certain events in the recent past have shown me that perhaps what I have done is insufficient and that despite my best intentions, things went wrong. When a reader asked me what happened to me recently, I said "self-doubt" happened.

ASSI is something I have spent a lot of time on in the last (almost) 4 years. It is hard to give up. However, too much of a good thing is often bad. So, "moderation" is probably the key here.

This has been one of the hardest blogs I have ever penned as I struggled with my thoughts and feelings. Although the blog is not very long, it took me more than an hour to compose. I almost gave up but I know I must do the right thing and to keep readers guessing is not right by me.

I am not disappearing but we should not be surprised if I don't blog as much as I used to before. Indeed, do not be surprised if I do not blog the way I used to or about some of the things I used to either. Nothing is set in stone, of course. I will be keeping my options open.

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