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My iPad has died.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Last night, when I tried to switch on my iPad, all I got was a black screen with a faint light glowing from the sides. Reset it and it still didn't work. Charged it overnight and tried it again this morning and it is still dead.

The only thing I have yet to try is to slap it. Maybe, I should slap it (a few times) this evening when I get home. It might be in a deep slumber and hard slaps could be the remedy. You don't think so?

While driving to work, I was thinking of buying a replacement iPad. I am rather partial to the iPad Mini after seeing the one a friend has. The iPad Mini weighs a paltry 308gm. I find that attractive.

Since Apple dropped the price to $408.00 for the old iPad Mini with the new version launched, it is even more attractive to get the old version now. Of course, since I am not in a hurry, I could wait to get a refurbished iPad Mini for only $348.00 direct from Apple Store (and with warranty too)!

My iPad was pre-owned. A friend who was upgrading to the iPad 2 back then gave this to me more than 2 years ago. After using it for a bit, I was so wowed by it that I bought two iPad 2s, one for my mom and one for my niece. Now, we cannot imagine not having an iPad at home.

Rationally, however, I don't think I need an iPad. A friend told me I was under-utilising mine as I use it mostly for games and movies.

An iPad is definitely nice to have but, for me, it is probably not a necessity. Having said this, I suspect that it will still be hard not to have one around because I am so used to watching movies in bed (which is not a good habit, I know). The portability is very attractive.

I was doing quite well with just my PC and notebook before the iPad came into my life more than 2 years ago. Will I suffer withdrawal symptoms from being iPad-less? I guess there is only one way to find out. Wish me luck!

Related posts:
1. Have an iPad?
2. Protect your iPad.
3. I grew up without an iPad.

That's IT with AK71.

Monday, November 4, 2013

OK, amusing blog title? Go ahead, please laugh.




Fell off your chair? I hope you were not sitting on a high chair.

After all, AK71 and IT don't mix well. ;p

So, what is this blog post about? It is just to record some observations as to which OS and web browser are number 1 now amongst the readers of ASSI. Statistics are for the last one month:

Number 1 OS is still Windows although at 49%, it is probably not as dominant as before.

Android has a very small lead over iPhone. Actually, reading blogs on a phone must be quite demanding. I don't know why people do it. Of course, with bigger screens available from Samsung and HTC, for examples, perhaps, that is why Android has a slight lead.

Nonetheless, Apple is one against so many. If we add iPad and iPod, then, Android is beaten. Apple is just an amazing company.

What about browsers? It has always been Internet Explorer for me. Only when I started blogging a few years ago did I learn about other browsers. So, being the dinosaur that I am, I am a bit surprised to find that Internet Explorer is number 3 in my blog stats.

Number 1 browser is Safari with a 27% share and number 2 browser is Chrome with a 25% share. My good old trusty Internet Explorer has a 20% share.

Even though I am a "know almost nothing" guy when it comes to IT, these numbers are still interesting to me and tell me how things are changing rapidly (and that I am probably being left behind).

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ASSI: 10 quarterly reports in 1 blog post.

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