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Thursday, November 7, 2013

This is something I have pretty often for my afternoon tea breaks:

Wholemeal bread. So healthy!

So, what's inside? Er... ahem...

So yummy!

To let go or to hold on to a position?

We can either make statements of fact or opinions. They are quite different from one another although sometimes people mix them up. This is just something that happens naturally in daily life.

"Today's temperature is 30 degrees Celcius." This is a statement of fact. It could be either right or wrong.

"This is a nice day." This is an opinion. There is no right or wrong.

How could these be mixed up?

Well, to me, it might be a fact that the weather is nice but to someone else it might not be. We could have a debate until the cows come home on who is right but it would be an exercise in futility because there is simply no right or wrong to this.

Of course, we can make statements of fact or opinions about anything under the Sun, including people.

"This person is 1.7m in height." This is a statement of fact.

"This person is short." This is an opinion.

In the land of the Vikings, 1.7m might be short for a guy but in PNG, 1.7m might be considered tall.

Now, when we start saying things about people, we have to be a bit more careful because it could get sensitive. I know people who are vertically challenged who are very sensitive to being called "short".

So, I try to be careful about what I say about people. I don't want to be hurtful. The best is not to say anything at all. If I have to say something, I try to make sure it is positive. If it is not, I try to be diplomatic.

Sometimes, I might slip up. If the other party should be diplomatic enough to let it go, then, I should be grateful and let it slide. I might even think of how to make it up to the other party in future.

Why force anyone into a corner? When any regular guy with an iota of pride is forced into a corner, what is going to be his natural reaction? Should we be surprised by the answer?

We will very likely save ourselves and others a lot of angst if we are more careful with what we say in the first instance.

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