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Secret to losing weight and gaining wealth.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A friend once told me that to lose weight, simply eat less and exercise more. Input less, output more.

We can draw a parallel in wealth building: to become poorer, make less and spend more. Input less, output more.

So, to become richer, what do we do? Make more and spend less, of course. Input more, output less.

No matter how much we make, if we spend all of it or, heavens forbid, more than we make, we will always be poor. Easy enough to understand but why is it so hard for so many to remember?

P.S. AK decided to try harder to lose weight. Last night, AK went for a long walk. Took 2 hours. Drank 1.5 litres of water in that time to replenish lost moisture. Aiyoh, my aching body.

Related posts:
1. Buying a $500,000 watch.
2. 2 questions to build wealth.
3. Save 100% of your take home pay.
4. Becoming a millionaire next door.
5. Don't see money, won't spend money.

AK meets Richard Mille.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

For those who don't follow me on Facebook:

AK  the Giamsiap fellow. LOL.

Added on 18 October 2016:
Source: HWZ

ROFL. ;p

Related post:

Buying a $500,000 watch.

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