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Invest X Congress: Closing thoughts and photos.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

My opinion? I think I could have done better.

After my maiden attempt, I feel that I am a better blogger than I am a public speaker. I think there were many things that I missed out on delivering but I guess it worked out in the end because I went overtime even though I truncated my presentation.

Courtesy of Song Stonecold. Read his guest blog: here.

However, I take comfort in the fact that my blog is available for reading twenty four seven. So, if anyone in the audience would like to follow up on what I said during my segment at the event, they could do so anytime they like. Remember though, I am only talking to myself here in my blog. Also, don't take what I say as the gospel truth.

If I offended anyone at the event, please accept my apologies. Sometimes, jokes have a way of being misunderstood, especially when we cannot read the facial expressions of the speaker. My fault. I mean how could you have read my facial expressions? Oh, a very big "sorry" to the video guy. I waved him away and hit his camera on the way in. Lucky the video cam wasn't damaged. -.-"

If I disappointed anyone, I crave your indulgence. I promise to try to do better in future (if I do actually do something like this again). To people who sent me photos of male Korean actors imagining I look like them, I am afraid I won't be able to do better. Plastic surgery is painful in more ways than one. -.-"

A big "thank you" to everyone who turned up at the event and also a big "thank you" to everyone who could not attend but gave me encouragement anyway. I appreciate the kindness.

Also, the organisers passed me a bag of books which they said a reader wanted to give to me:

I don't know who you are but thank you for the kind gesture. I really appreciate it. Now, to brush up on my Chinese. I only got a B3 for my "O" Level Chinese. -.-"

The journey towards financial freedom is made less dreary when we have good company. :)

Related post:
Invest X Congress: Update and reminder.

Invest X Congress: Q&A.

"Return our CPF" protest? What about a contest?

Friday, June 13, 2014

All of us have beliefs that we hold dear. I am sure you have your own beliefs too. Before I go on, I would like to share a reply I wrote to a reader recently:

Hi J,

We are in the territory of beliefs now. And when it is a matter of beliefs and opinions, it is hard to say who is right or wrong. In fact, it is impossible. It all depends on the philosophy that we subscribe to.

This is why a democracy is such a wonderful system. The majority decides and the minority has to follow. However, this is also why a democracy is such a terrible system. "Tyranny of the majority"?

This "tyranny" can be dealt with if we listen to the minority and see how we could accommodate their needs. Being a multi-racial society, we have done it before, I am sure you know. So, perhaps, we could try to do it with the CPF too.

To be frank, I like the system as it is now but I do understand that there are genuine cases of hardship out there. Perhaps, more help could be given to these people without letting them touch their CPF savings (if any). It is really an accounting entry if we do this. Tax payers are still paying for the financial assistance. Difference is that tax payers are paying for this sooner than later.

I think tweaking the system by letting disgruntled elderly CPF members who genuinely have the need to tap into their CPF savings will go some way to quelling the voices of discontent. Education should go hand in hand with this. Hopefully, these voices will become distant over time.

I agree that there will always be people who are irresponsible, stubborn and even foolish. We cannot kick them out of the country, can we? Since we cannot kick them out, we will have to try to fit them in, no matter how difficult the challenge. That is the job of the elected government. This is my belief.

Best wishes,

We can have discussions and we will most likely disagree since we will most likely hold on to our own beliefs. There will be debates where there will be no winners. There will be contests without victors.

Putting our own beliefs aside, the fact is that we are all on the same boat. A peaceful and harmonious Singapore is to our common benefit. If this is our common belief, then, we should all consider giving up some ground. So, before we say anything else, think about this. Can we soften our stance? Can we reach some common ground for the common good?

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