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What would I do if I had $750,000 to start investing?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

By now, I have almost 2,500 blog posts here in ASSI and most of them are about personal finance and investments although not all of them are related to investing in stocks.

Sometimes, I worry if I am sending the right messages to readers and I am actually quite happy, even grateful, when readers write to me to clarify their doubts. I try to do a good job in communication but there will be times I can do better.

I received a letter recently from a reader which sent alarm bells ringing in my head:

Dear AK

Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge because i am learning a lot from it.

I am considering investing Saizen Reit which yield 7-8% p.a. If i do my mathematics right, i will need 750'000 to yield $5000 per month to support our family household expenses.

Correct me if i am wrong.

If i have $750'000 cash to invest into Saizen Reit, wouldnt it be better investing the money elsewhere. My question is would you invest $750'000 all into Saizen Reit to give you passive income $5000 per month.

Please forgive my ignorance.


My reply:

Hi B,

Welcome to my blog. :)

You will have to understand a couple of things:

1. Investing in a REIT is not like locking money in a fixed deposit. So, you shouldn't be looking at yield and yield only. It is more than that.

2. Putting all your money in a single investment to have the income it generates cover all your household expenses exposes you to concentration risks.

If I had $750,000 to start investing with, I wouldn't put all of it into Saizen REIT or any one single investment. I wouldn't be fully invested either.

Without knowing more, I cannot say what I would do in your shoes but although my own investment in Saizen REIT is a significant part of my investment portfolio, it is not my entire portfolio.

Best wishes,

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1. How to have peace of mind investing?
2. Income investing and position sizing.
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