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Green is not just the color of money.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

People remember Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for saying many things before but I think few would remember him making a statement regarding global warming and whether governments around the world were doing enough to tackle the problem.

He will be sad if the polar bears vanish from the North Pole, but sadder still should the ice cap melt at the South Pole. These dire consequences of global warming featured prominently in Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's inaugural Singapore Maritime Lecture at the Fullerton Hotel yesterday. 

"When the polar bear disappears from the Arctic, I will be sad when I see them at the zoo. But I will be sadder when the Antarctic ice cap melts because the water level will rise so much," he said. The calamity confronting humanity has no easy solutions nor are governments doing enough to tackle this problem, said Mr Lee. 

"I am not optimistic about the will of governments to attack this cause," he told some 300 top maritime executives, in response to a question about how Singapore can contribute to climate change. 
"I do not see any leaders saying let us eat less, eat more vegetables, eat less meat." 


Close friends would know that I am a bit of an environmentalist. I carefully wash and clean what could be recycled and deposit these in recycling bins regularly. I also try to grow some plants at home. I am careful to conserve water and electricity while still having a comfortable life.

I also try to reuse product packaging where possible and friends are constantly amazed by how I actually find a purpose for stuff that many would have simply thrown away. Some readers would remember how I put a Bengawan Solo mooncake tin to good use, for example.

So, I suppose it is not surprising that what Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said so many years ago stayed at the back of my mind. Then again, why the sudden flashback?

Well, I have been eating less meat recently. This is partly because I think I do not need much meat in my diet as I grow older and partly because I think they make me fat. The fact that not having meat helps the environment is a plus.

Do you know what else is a plus? The cost savings.

Here are some photos of my meals this week:

Price: $2.50

Price: $2.30

Price: $2.60

For dinner this evening, I decided to boil some broccoli I bought from the supermarket in an Ikan Bilis soup stock.
Price: $0.87. Ok, add water, heating and some Ikan Bilis.
Maybe $1.20?

Want to try doing something meaningful beyond your weekly routine? If you are not a vegetarian, try cutting back on meat this week.

I am not sure if you would like it but I think you would see the many benefits of doing so. Of course, you would also be doing your bit for the environment although you might not know it.

Have a good week ahead!

Related posts:
1. AK71 on climate change.
2. AK71 on more frequent storms.

If AK can grow money trees, so can you!

Not too long ago, I revealed that I bought a money tree and a few other plants for my planter at home. I have spent some time re-potting them and I want to show them off:

The money tree is the tallest plant in the pot.

Re-potting the cacti was more daunting a task.

I hope I didn't damage their roots or something in the process. It would be totally inauspicious if the money tree should die on me.

What else do I do from time to time on weekends other than growing a money tree?

Well, I enjoy picking fruits from another money tree which I have been growing for many years. 

Another money tree? It must be quite big to be bearing fruits, you might think.

Surprisingly, I don't need a pot or soil for this money tree. I just need a calculator, a pen and some paper. Got you!

Yes, it involves real money this time.

I am quite happy to spend some quality time with my money tree and my "money tree".

Like what you see? You can do it too. Believe it.

Update (3 January 2016)

How is my money tree doing?

Not too bad. :)

Related posts:
1. Grow some plants that bring wealth?
2. Create Dividend Machines. (Interview with AK.)

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