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Life was difficult and I wondered if Santa Claus existed.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Many things people want to have or suggest that we have in Singapore are, in my opinion, luxuries for our very small country. 

We have no natural resources and our citizen population is going to shrink in future.

We can be idealistic but I believe in being pragmatic. Maybe, it has to do with the fact that my family almost went bankrupt at one time. 

I still remember the fear I went to bed with each night after my mother told me what being bankrupt meant. I was only 12 years old.

The many years that followed, life was much more difficult for my family but we pulled through eventually. 

My parents made many sacrifices to give us children whatever we needed in life, I am sure. Outwardly, things looked pretty normal but those years were probably very stressful for them.

To my parents' credit, they were self-reliant and did not see our MP to ask for help. 

I don't think it was something they even thought of. So silly, right? 

When they found out much later in life from a friend who migrated to Australia that unemployed Australians (especially if they had children) could get lots of financial help from their government, they were amazed. 

Why would people get paid for not doing any work?

We could cite cases of Singaporean families who must be careful with every single cent they have because they need to be and not because they want to be. My family was once like that.

I believe that we should try to help these families but not to the extent that they forget how to be self-reliant. I believe that they would rather receive help so that they can be self-reliant eventually. 

Of course, there will always be those who can never be self-reliant due to severe handicap but for those who have the potential to be self reliant, living life with dignity is definitely not about getting financial aid forever.

For those who have ample resources which can never be exhausted, being idealistic doesn't hurt. For those who are not in possession of such resources, it is better to be pragmatic than idealistic.

Does Santa Claus really exist? If he did exist, could he share with us the secret to the longevity of his financial resources?

A chit chat session with AK on REITs.

This was a recent chat with a reader on some aspects of REITs:

  • F

    AK, i read your S-REITs postings and your aims amp reit

  • 5:46pm

    but given the conservative outlook for the industrial sector

    it will undeniably affect them i'm sure

    what's your thoughts?

  • and the decline in SG economy

  • Assi AK

    Affect their unit price or affect their operations? Ask yourself.

    What do you mean by conservative outlook for industrial sector?

    Decline in Singapore economy? Like how?

  • 6:30pm

    Their operations

    Rentals may not remain at optimum capacity

    The management statement in their AR

  • Assi AK

    What is optimum capacity of rentals?

  • 6:36pm

    100% lo

  • Assi AK

    that is maximum occupation

    ok, I am beginning to understand your question

  • 6:37pm

    Maximum is optimal mah

  • Assi AK


  • 6:37pm

    No?? Why would you want to have empty units?

  • Assi AK

    I didn't say that either

  • 6:38pm


  • Assi AK

    If you own a store that sells mee Siam and let us say you have a capacity to cook 1000 plates a day. And you sell out every single day because you sell at $1 a plate. Are you optimising profits when a price consumers are willing to pay is $2 a plate?

  • 6:41pm


  • Assi AK

    Wouldn't it be better to sell at $2 a plate and maybe just sell 800 plates a day?

  • 6:41pm


    But if I can sell 1k played at 2 bucks


  • Assi AK

    Of course. smile emoticon

    It is never as simple as a matter of achieving full occupancy means optimum performance. That is the point I am making.

    maximum occupancy might not mean optimum performance

  • 6:45pm


    But management has conceded themselves that performance might be weaker in coming fY

    What are your thoughts

  • Assi AK

    I will leave them to do their jobs. So far, they have performed very well and I hope they continue to deliver. Our job as investors is to monitor and as long as the investment performs to our satisfaction, that is good enough reason to stay invested. What is good enough will depend on what we want out of an investment.

  • Assi AK

    If you don't feel comfortable enough to be invested, it is best to stay out.

  • 6:53pm


    I'm just wondering if prices might go lower

    In light of possible decline in revenue

    Got value

    But I'm uncertain on what is a good price to enter

  • Assi AK

    I will leave the speculation to the speculators.

I don't always talk to myself, you know?

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1. AIMS AMP Capital Industrial REIT: An opinion.
2. 6M 2015 passive income from S-REITs.

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