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AK has been brewing something good!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Someone asked me why have I not blogged about stuff I eat and drink for so long? Has it been very long? Maybe so. 

I have been somewhat lazy when it comes to blogging but my habit of spending time on preparing many of my own meals has not changed.

Anyway, I am doing this blog post to share a recipe for something which I have been enjoying lately:


Looks like green tea (which I enjoy too) but it is not. 

So, what is in the pot?

Hmmm (again) ...

Everytime I brew this, my tiny apartment smells so nice. In fact, I was told that the corridor on my floor smells nice because of my brew too! 

It is that powerful!

I am doing the entire floor a big favour because the aroma keeps the roaches away, I am sure.

The ingredients are inexpensive and will provide many, many days of drinking pleasure. 

Only 50c. From NTUC Fairprice.
4 or 5 pandan leaves for a pot (1 litre).

2 big pieces of ginger for $1.00 or so.
4 or 5 slices of ginger for a pot (1 litre).

Wolf berries and barley.
One tablespoon of each for a pot (1 litre).

Taking this brew has many benefits:

1. It has antioxidants like Selenium, Vitamins A and C. We know antioxidants are good for us in many ways.

2. It also has Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium and Manganese which are all essential for good health.

3. It has Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 which are essential for energy production in the body.

4. A ginger drink is also beneficial as it reduces stiffness and pain in joints because ginger as a food has an anti-inflammatory effect.

I drink this sugarless. You could add some sugar to your brew, if you like. 

I hope you like this healthy brew as much as I do. 

Related post:
My food bill grew in size but my weight reduced.

Good luck and good fortune in the Monkey year!

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Year of the Monkey is knocking on our doors.

Children and old folks usually like Chinese New Year. Children probably enjoy collecting red packets and old folks enjoy more time with family. 

Some people might prefer to go for a short holiday. Instead of 拜年, they do a 避年. They could be the singles or the married without kids.

Well, whatever the case may be, let us look forward to the new year and hope that it would be one of peace and progress for everyone. Less human conflict and fewer natural calamities would be nice.

OK, it has become a tradition for AK to churn out 4 numbers just before the Chinese New Year. 

Apparently, some readers won money last year buying the 4D which AK coughed up in a state of delirium.

I don't know if I am sufficiently delirious now but here goes:


Remember, it is all for fun and a little excitement. Don't overdo it.


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