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Tea with FunShine: Investment Philosophy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

This is a guest blog by Funshine:

My Investment Philosophy

1. Bought OCBC 2 years ago before the rights issue. Traded it a little during that time ðŸ˜Š
2. Been buying all the way from $9+ till $7.69. Haven't booked my losses yet as I closed my books during June 2016.

3. Sitting on 15% lost on OCBC. To me there is no such thing as paper lost. Paper lost is only for people that wants to make themselves feel better so that they can wallow in self-pity.

4. Rather than indulge yourself in self-pity, might as well sell if you see no potential in the stock and transfer the funds to a better assert.

5. 23 April 2015 is the first day of operation for OCBC in Yangon. I hoped it will be a catalyst of growth in 5 years time.

6. Great Eastern results have not been too good from the last I read. OCBC is the parent company of Great Eastern.

7. Will increase till I have a 5% stake in SG banks based on my current portfolio.

8. Meanwhile been thinking for almost one quarter now to whether push one of my holding to 3.33% of my portfolio on a company that is investing in Ghana.

9. Pushing and confirmed going to increased my position to 6.67% of my portfolio on a country that is vested in Russia. That one, my time horizon will be 24 years if the company fundamentals does not change.

10. The Russia decision I at least ponder for 1.5 years, can't remember reading how many articles on it and I have been trying to speak to Russia people.

11. Investing is a lot of hard work. Although timing and luck plays a very big part. However, you can't be lucky and have perfect timing all the time if the duration is 20 years. I have friends that were so confident and one bad trade, they turn around and need to borrow money from me.

12. If you want quick money, go to a Casino or visit Singapore Pools. I spend $6 last week at Canada Lottery. The prize money is $60 million and one person won it.

13. If you can't afford to take the risk, please put in FD or buy Endowment. Even better just put in CPF.

14. When friends ask me what to buy, my opening statement is that this is not a good question. They will be stunned as suddenly I am rebuking them. I do that so that I can protect my friends.

15. My second response is I lost $30k from asking that question.

16. My next question to them is:
A) Why do you want to invest?
B) Why not just put in the bank?
C) Is this your spare cash?
D) What companies do you know?
E) Can you wait 20 years if we have a very weird and prolong bear market?

17. If I am pleased with the answer and the person have a bit of knowledge on Mr Market, my next question will be, are you an:
A) Dividend Income Investor
B) Growth Investor
C) Trader

18. As all three requires very different skill set.
A) Needs to plow through tons of reading and Fundamental Analysis
B) Macro Econs view, Govt Policy, Consumer taste and competitors need to be considered
C) Technical Analysis

19. However the most important skill to have which I am a firm believer of is IP. Investor psychology.

20. I have seen people with above normal IQ level but they lose big time in stocks market.

21. You are fighting with yourself as you embrace Mr Market. Mr Market may be your best friend at times. However, the next day, he can slapped you silly.

22. Do you have the temperaments for it?

23. I am very glad that my studies in Psychology and Management have given me a better footing.

24. Working for more than 10 years in social services has increased my mental resilient level and I got to know myself a lot more.

25. Lastly I believe in two things for investing or trading. Nothing is easy for the unwilling. What you do in your free time will determine how successful you will be.

26. If you have below average returns or worst then FD and you do not self reflect and ask why?

27. Please... Put your money is FD, CPF or Endowment. It will be better for you. You are responsible for your own money. Not someone else.

28. Thanks for reading. Going off to my Taiji class now to quieten my mind.

29. Keeping pace with Mr Market is not easy. On a 6 months break from work, living prudently and strangely I am traveling round the world. It's a oxymoron as traveling round the world and living prudently does not match. Oh well...

30. Best of luck or God bless as you continue your journey with Mr Market.

A bit about the writer - FunShine
The writer hopes that his personal account will be a good read for people hoping to take small steps towards different degree of financial freedom.
FunShine has been working in the Community and Social Service Sector for over 10 years. It has always been an interesting sector to work in.
He has decided to take a 6 months break and live prudently, surviving on his dividends and interests for his personal expenses.
FunShine does not want to compete with the Joneses and is contented with his lifestyle.

Financial prudence at any age.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Is there anything I would do differently if I could turn back the clock?

A letter from a reader:

Hi AK,

My husband just passed his 31st birthday last month and mine is coming up soon.

We are curious...

Turning back time, what would you have done differently for your personal finance at age 31?

What were the things you wished people had told you when you were 31?

What would you tell the people who are at age 31 now?



AK's reply:

Hi A,

For me, it was always about being financially prudent and investing (mostly for income) for greater financial security. Delay gratification, do the right things and we will have plenty of stuff for free many years down the road. ;)


Best wishes,

If we consume more now, we will have less later. If we consume less now, we will have more later. Of course, even if we understand this, what we do would depend on our circumstances.

Simply put, it is not about emulating AK or anyone else, it is about improving our own financial health in a meaningful way, year after year.

As long as we are making progress, stay the course and we will thank ourselves in future.

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1. AK is showing off his CPF numbers.
2. Dividend Machines for greater financial security.
3. So, you want to be financially free?
4. Delaying gratication and getting stuff we want for free.

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