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BREXIT and AK the investor.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

I just spent the better part of an hour replying to emails from readers and the topic which cropped up the most often was, not surprisingly, BREXIT. Here are a couple of conversations:

Reader: What do you think of the Brexit? Can you talk to yourself on the impact to your portfolio?

AK says: BREXIT will affect me as an investor if:

1. I have income generating assets in the UK.

2. I am invested in companies which export goods and services to the UK.

3. I have exposure to debt denominated in the Sterling Pound.

I think it is none of the above for me.

However, I am worried about the possibility of contagion. The UK is not a member of the Euro (i.e. the currency) but if European countries which use the Euro decide to do their own versions of Brexit, it would affect my investment in IREIT Global. How? I cannot say yet.

Best wishes,

Reader: Given that Brexit is confirmed . The GSS of stock market is likely to happen . Can talk to yourself what spore stocks you are eyeballing?

AK says: Almost everything I have ever blogged about as investments for income, actually. ;p

Best wishes,

Have our shopping list ready, stay calm and buy when our target prices are hit.

Remember, it is almost impossible to get the best deal. If someone else manages to buy at a lower price after we have bought, it might not mean that we got a bad deal. That person got a better deal.

Related post:
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew on Eurozone crisis.

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