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Why lazy people "want" to continue working?

Friday, January 13, 2017

(I salute Tan Hock and Wilson Poh.)

An exchange with another blogger.

Fellow blogger says:
Just thought I'd share this since many investment bloggers (whose plans, like mine and yours) are to live off investments;

Not sure if it's because a significant number do not understand the trade-offs involved nor the aspirations of passive investors, but it is a poorly conceived notion that living off savings/investment is a "bad" idea for the economy because of the loss in productivity

Perhaps many just refuse to learn how to live without the need to wake up for work everyday. 

It would not surprise me if a poll showed that this group only believes that a stable job and income is the way to pay bills (racked up by buying things they do not need). 

Maybe they should try living for years bringing their own lunch to work and working multiple jobs just to achieve that of early retirement. 

But then again, these people are likely just "too lazy" to think of making the change huh?

I know I am a lazy guy. 

So, I did what I did. 

If they are lazy too, they want to think about change. 

All of us have choices in life. 

I chose to try for financial freedom and as soon as possible because I didn't want to continue working because I had to. 

For people who like working, achieving financial freedom early will give them the option of working because they want to.

I cannot see why it is bad to have options in life and I know you agree. :)

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1. Financially free and ashamed.

2. Work because you want to...
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