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How do I protect my assets before marriage?

Monday, April 24, 2017

My last blog post probably didn't sit well with most female readers, if not all, even though it is quite a common view among the guys. 

I know, sexism is alive and it is very much the case for both guys and girls, if I may add.

Then, a reader brought up the issue of prenuptial agreements.

Source: HERE.

What is a prenuptial agreement or prenup?

prenuptial agreementantenuptial agreement, or premarital agreement, commonly abbreviated to prenup or prenupt, is a contract entered into prior to marriagecivil union or any other agreement prior to the main agreement by the people intending to marry or contract with each other. The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce. (Source: Wikipedia.)

I have always thought that marriage should happen because a couple want to have children. If they do not wish to have children, they don't need to be married. Marriage becomes a want in such a case.

Of course, in Singapore, a couple might get married just because they need (or want) to get a HDB flat but stay childless. Uniquely Singaporean.

In any case, I feel that there should be trust before a couple embark on such a major decision. If they don't trust each other, then, why get married and have children? Indeed, not just why but how?

I am mostly a pragmatic person but I dislike prenuptial agreements because I think they are like the thorns on roses. They are ugly things in what should be beautiful.

However, like the thorns on roses, I have come to accept that they could be necessary for some people, the rich people. See, told you I am pragmatic.

Having said that, would girls marry guys who want to have prenuptial agreements? 

Indeed, would guys want to marry girls who want to have prenuptial agreements? 

After all, it could be a case of a rich wife and a poor husband. 

See? AK is not sexist.

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