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What to do if we don't trust the CPF system?

Friday, June 23, 2017


I have been sharing quite a bit of stuff on Facebook regarding the CPF in recent days. 

Nothing new, really. 

They are mostly conversations with readers on stuff I have blogged about.

I shared how I grew my CPF savings and also why it is an important part of my overall retirement funding strategy. 

I have also shared my numbers to exemplify the magic of compound interest.

Of course, we know that there are people who do not believe in the CPF. 

This is nothing new.

I am constantly amused by the reasons put forth as to why we should not trust the CPF system.

People are free to trust or not to trust. 

Hey, I am not dogmatic. 

Don't believe me? 

OK, you happy can liao.

What do we do as investors when trust is lacking? 

Avoid investing any money.

For example, I no longer invest in S-chips although some of them might have fantastic looking numbers.

I used to. 

Remember China Minzhong?

I simply don't know if their numbers are bona fide.

Don't trust the CPF? 

Don't top up. 

Don't make voluntary contributions.


Wait a minute.

How do I know if the companies which I do invest in have bona fide numbers? 

What if their books are cooked too?



Is our country financially sound? 

Is the government going to default on its obligations?


Don't ask me lah. 


Hey, do you believe in feng shui? 

The late Mr. Lee was asked why did he want his house demolished? 

AK is trying to change topic, right? 



You really want to know? 

These posts might interest you then:
1. Do better than the CPF?
2. Worried about retirement adequacy in the right way?

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