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Financial freedom or freedom in retirement.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

AK is a very responsible person and is a good role model.

I get the feeling that some people think that way.

Well, I don't think so.

I am sharing something from my FB wall here and you are welcome to eavesdrop.

AK says...
I am enjoying life now and doing stuff that I didn't have enough time to do before.

I was disciplined and thoughtful so that I can be less disciplined and thoughtful as I enjoy an early retirement.

Don't ask:

"When you have to stop working, can you afford to?"

Ask instead:

"If you want to stop working, can you afford to?

Reader says...
That make sense and was my motivation and is my justification nowadays. 

But to probe more if you are ok to share, what criteria is used to decide how you spend your time on stuff you like?

Eg for me, there are issues of still contributing, being useful, example for kids etc.

AK says...
I don't have a framework. 

I just do what I fancy doing each day.

MMORPG, gardening, aquarium keeping, family, friends, blog related activities, reading, watching documentaries, anime, K-drama, doing some physical exercises etc.

There isn't any routine per se. 

More of this one day and more of that another day?

Maybe, even doing mostly one thing some days?

If I want to, yes.

I am like a cook in a Chinese zhi char (cooked food) store, agak agak (estimate) the amount of this and that in the cooking.

Nothing exact.

Everything is by feel.

Happy (and yummy enough to eat) can already lah.

I have left behind the prescriptive world of responsibility and routine which demanded that I made regular and meaningful contributions to the establishment and clients (in ever more difficult conditions).

Not only do I not want to ever go back, I don't want a retirement life that even remotely feels like that.

AK the escapist!

AK doesn't want to be reminded of work.

AK is lazy but he really has good reason to be.

OK, if I had to take care of kids (or old folks), I can imagine that my life would partially, more or less, be run according to their needs and there could be a routine of sorts imposed on me.

I don't know about kids but the time will come when I would have to take care of the old folks at home.

It is something that is probably inevitable.

It is a responsibility that I accept.

Other than that, for now, free from chains, I am enjoying a life that is anything but structured.

Financial freedom is not the same as freedom in retirement.

In retirement, even in doing the things I enjoy, there isn't any structure per se.

This really is freedom.

Yes, AK is so utterly irresponsible!

AK is a bad role model!

Bad AK! Bad AK!

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