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Financial freedom and a long break from public appearances. (Give me F.I.R.E.)

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Financial Freedom and Retiring Early.

This is something many people want.

The good news is that it is possible.

How do we achieve this?

There are probably many ways to achieve this and my way is only one of many.

I like to think that my approach is a holistic one that most average Singaporean workers would find practicable.

There is no hocus pocus nor are there promises of fast money.

It is about understanding how to make our limited financial resources work better for us.

It is about building a resilient investment portfolio.

This also means not taking on too much risk (i.e. limiting speculative positions).

This means being able to stomach some volatility with the help of risk free and volatility free CPF.

The journey to financial freedom is probably daunting for many of us but if we don't want to work until the day we die because we have to, it is a journey we should make as soon as possible.

While on the journey, we have to be financially secure every step of the way and that means not throwing caution to the wind.

Unless we are very rich, all of us need an emergency fund.

Unless we are very rich, all of us need insurance.

Understand our own circumstances and do not bite off more than we can chew no matter how delicious it looks or we might choke and some do choke to death.

Be aware of our mortality.

We are not invincible.

We have to remember that no one cares more about our money than we do and do not ask barbers if we need a haircut.

Be prudent.

Be pragmatic.

Be patient.

Yes, if AK can do it, so can you.

If we ever feel discouraged and we sometimes will, remember that many others have walked this path before and achieved F.I.R.E.

If WE can do it, so can YOU!

Now, what is this about a long break from public appearances?

If you are a reader who enjoys chatting with me in person, please don't be upset but there will not be another "Evening with AK and friends" in the next one year or two (or three).


I can imagine some of you protesting now.


Please, no screaming.


Yikes, did someone throw a shoe at me?


Hey, "Evening with AK and friends" really isn't that big a deal.

It isn't a big loss.

I didn't say this before "Evening with AK and friends 2018" because I was afraid of the outcry from readers interested in the event but did not manage to get a ticket. 

Yes, the event sold out in a day although we more than doubled the seating capacity (>300 seats) with a bigger venue.

This year's "Evening with AK and friends" was the largest ever.

It was epic!

Again, it isn't a big loss.

"Evening with AK and friends 2018" was just like past events.

It was an off the cuff chit chat session of epic proportions.

However, it was mainly an event to give as many readers as possible a chance to take a selfie with me.


You didn't know that the main purpose was to take selfies with AK and you did not do it?


Hanor, if you did learn something useful regarding investment or money matters from the event, you were lucky.

Some readers who have been following my blog for a long time would say that AK is lazy and growing lazier.

Discounting the fact that I am a pretty hardworking MMORPGer, that is mostly true.



Bad AK! Bad AK!

Honestly, another important reason is that I have become rather reclusive with age.

OK, rather more reclusive.

In the local financial blogging community, I suspect I probably have a reputation for being rather aloof.

I don't mix around much.

This is true.

However, unlike Russell Lee who has vanished from his sphere of influence, AK will still be around in his for quite a while more.

Yes, like it or not, I am a social media influencer or so I was told by an old friend some time back.

To be quite honest, I started blogging out of curiosity and boredom so many years ago.

I did not start a blog with the aim of becoming an influencer.

I did not even know there was such a thing.

Anyway, don't fret.

I will not disappear from the blogosphere (yet).

I will continue to blog from time to time but I will shun public appearances for at least a couple of years.

I hope all of you will give me your blessings.

Finally, a big "THANK YOU" to everyone who came to "Evening with AK and friends 2018".

Of course, a super big "THANK YOU" to Kenji, Victor and Rusmin from The Fifth Person  for making the event possible.

Kamsiah you all plenty plenty and wishing all of you good health, prosperity and plenty of happiness.

Give me freedom. 

Give me F.I.R.E.

If you haven't listened to the song, listen, there is a hidden message.

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