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Stock market correction, Facebook and #SGUnited!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Good Friday!

Happy public holiday!

Happy long weekend!

Of course, with the partial lockdown Singapore is in now, it really doesn't make any difference to many, if not most, people here.

It definitely does not make any difference to AK since my life is one super duper long weekend.


Cannot call it a lockdown?

Must say "circuit breaker"?

OK, whatever floats your boat.

Anyway, I wasn't thinking of blogging this weekend.

Having too much fun in Neverwinter, you know.

However, I got two comments in my blog from readers and the blogging bug bit me.

First comment was about me "betting (on) another correction."


When did I bet there will be another correction?

I have shared my strategy a few times in recent weeks and it has always been to wait for the dust to settle.

The latest update was just a few days ago on 7 April 2020:
Buying DBS, OCBC, UOB and cheering for IREIT Global.

Readers who have been following my blog for a long time will know that I do not believe in being overly pessimistic or overly optimistic.

I believe in being pragmatic.

That's also why I always say we should stay invested but have a war chest (or two) ready and not be too extreme.

"On one end, there are people who are almost 100% in cash. I think they are doing a Chicken Little.

"On the other end, there are people who don't like to see money sitting in their bank accounts. They imagine the money is rotting away."

Sit with all that cash and do nothing?

I should not try to predict what Mr. Market will do.

However, I can certainly prepare.

What I do very much depends on what Mr. Market does.

If you have yet to read what my plan is or if you cannot remember what it is, you might want to read my last update which was the blog before this one.

Anyway, on to another reader's comment.

It is about Facebook.

More specifically, it is about my Facebook account.

Many readers will remember that Facebook did a terrible thing to AK about a year ago.

So hurtful.

If you cannot remember, read this blog:

Financially free and Facebook free!

Well, apparently, things are back to normal now.

The reader said:

"Just to let you know that your Facebook is back to normal now.

"We can see your post and everything."



That's nice.

What does that mean?

Facebook realised their mistake?

I don't know the reason behind their change of heart.

Anyway, I did not try to log in to my Facebook account after reading the comment.

I just didn't feel any urge to do so.

After being Facebook free for slightly more than a year, I don't miss it.

Not even a tiny bit.

If this had happened a couple of months after I became Facebook free, I would probably have gone back to using Facebook.

However, to be honest, I rather like being Facebook free now.

OK, like I said, I did not log in to Facebook to verify if Facebook restored the links to my blog both in my page as well as on my wall.

I am just blogging based on what I was told.

Readers who are not Facebook free like I am could have a look see, if you like.

Maybe, try posting a link to this blog on your Facebook page or wall and see if the link works.

It is the 4th day of the "circuit breaker" here in Singapore.

Although I know there will be irresponsible people who do not follow the rules, it still upsets me to see them.

I saw a few of them just yesterday when I went out to the nearby supermarket to buy eggs and to take away my dinner at the "kopitiam".

For example, I saw a young couple and their two children at the playground playing before they went into the supermarket.

Alamak, understand the rules or not?

They even cordoned off the playground and you still bring your children there?

What kind of message you sending to your children?

Grow up to be irresponsible like daddy and mommy?

Go supermarket must whole family go, is it?

Husband goes to supermarket and wife stays at home with the children, can or not?

Or if the wife has a louder voice, then husband stays at home with the children lah.

Use your brain!

Really lor.

Suka suka like that?


Makes my blood boil.

Be socially responsible and hope that this "circuit breaker" will not be extended beyond a month, can or not?

We are #SGUnited.

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