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Misled into earning 6.30% interest in 4 years?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Almost a year ago, I had a blog post titled "How to earn 6.30% interest in 4 years?"

Back then, I said I found the ad objectionable because it was misleading.

Although I did not say so at that point in time, I was also wary of how interest rates were more likely to rise than not in future. This would have been abundantly clear in other blog posts I have published.

Today, a one year fixed deposit could get us as much as 1.6% per annum. A two year fixed deposit could get us 1.8% per annum.

With interest rates more likely to go up in future, a person who chose not "to earn 6.3% interest in 4 years" last year is probably going to do much better than someone who did.

Think and think again before buying products like this.

Remember, nobody cares more about our money than we do.

Related posts:
1. How to earn 6.30% interest in 4 years?
2. Nobody cares more about our money than we do.
3. Why fixed deposits and not structured deposits?


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