I want to thank Kelvin for providing the link to this video which I enjoyed very much.
Anyone who is interested in a quick introduction to Warren Buffet's life and how he got to be the world's richest man would find this 47 minutes video worth watching.
Although it should be common knowledge to any experienced investor, I would like to draw attention to how
Warren Buffet had no qualms about investing in something he was against as long as it offered good value and a chance to make decent money.
This is somewhere 40 minutes 30 seconds into the video and it highlights the importance of being open minded and not being parochial.
Interested in the book Warren Buffet referred to in the documentary?
You can get it pre-owned from BetterWorldBooks at a bargain with free shipping worldwide.
Intelligent Investor: The Classic Text on Value Investing
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1. Recommended books for FA and TA.
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Why is Warren Buffett the world's greatest money maker?
Monday, December 31, 2012Posted by AK71 at 11:22 PM
warren buffet
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Happy New Year everyone!!!
Hi Tree,
Hope you enjoy the video. I did. :)
Happy New Year!
Hi AK,
My pleasure =)) btw Happy new year to you and your family. May 2013 bring you many returns!
Hi Kelvin,
Have a happy and healthy new year! :)
Hi Kelvin, Hi AK,
Thanks for sharing :-)
Hi Tree,
A good primer for anyone interested in Value Investing, Warren Buffet style plus a bit of gossip thrown in. ;p
Reader said...
Haha, it always seems so easy and common sense after reading your posts... but when I try to do the analysis on my own.. always end up getting sucked into some black holes and cannot come up with much convincing conclusion myself :p
But of course, from your analysis, can see that you do have very thorough knowledge of the companies and the peers that you compare against. So I guess that's one area I need to brush up on. Do you read 500 pages a day like Warren Buffett :p?
AK said...
Honestly, I don't have thorough knowledge of anything.
As long as I am approximately right, I should reasonably do better than being absolutely wrong. :)
Thanks AK. I tried reading the Intelligent Investor previously but didn't really understand most of it. My FA is still subpar :(. I am planning to try reading the book again and hopefully I will understand it better.
Did you also read Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham? Is it useful?
Hi csky,
It is not the easiest book to read partly because the English is so old fashioned.
Try these instead:
And there are others listed in my blog's right side bar under "FOOD FOR THOUGHT".
Thanks for sharing the video. It's really nice to put a face to all the different people and things that I have read about.
And now I am going to check out (from the library) some of the books that you have recommended.
Hi csky,
It is a good video. :)
Happy reading. ;)
Reader said...
I had read the book about Warren Buffet (the book you recommended, it was good and easy~ Thanks!) and he recommended we used 10 years worth of financial statements ...
Do you subscribe to paid services to obtain more detailed financial statements for your good work? Sorry for the trouble to my queries.
AK said...
Please remember that we are not Buffett. ;p
Personally, I am more opportunistic than structured in my approach and this is why I have said before many times that I am bad teaching material. ;)
For sure, you can subscribe to publications like The EDGE or services like Shareinvestor.com as they might make life easier for you. :)
It is a Sunday! :D
If you have time to kill, you might want to watch this. :)
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