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AK71 commented on on life and investments: “Hi Netviper,I am so happy to hear that talking to myself…”
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Netviper commented on on life and investments: “Can't wait to see u again in person soon, shifu!…”
JH L commented on on life and investments: “I appreciate the modesty, I'll check my calendar again.…”
cheryl2010 commented on on life and investments: “hi AK, I was consistently following your blogs in 2024 so I…”
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ASSI's Guest bloggers

Is AK71 going to stop blogging?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

In the last one week, I have not blogged about investing in stocks. In fact, I have not done any substantial blogging at all. Quite suddenly, I found my energy level to be quite low. It is almost as if I am running on empty now.

I decided to spend more time doing things for myself and that is exactly what I have been doing. I cannot say that I have been doing anything progressive but I think I have been doing things which I was doing a lot more of in the past, things which I enjoyed but have neglected since I started blogging.

In a few replies to readers, I revealed that I want to spend some time thinking about my blogging efforts and the direction which my blog should take in future. Honestly, I haven't been spending much time thinking about it. However, the time I did spend thinking about the matter did not yield any clear direction. Perhaps, I shouldn't think too much and time would tell me what to do eventually.

In a reply to a reader, I said that "I might not stop blogging but I think I will be powering down. Feeling somewhat drained." Having said that, I have conflicting feelings within me as to how I should be blogging henceforth and, indeed, whether I should continue blogging. I cannot help but question if my blogs have done more harm than good.

I have shared freely my thoughts on many things in ASSI. Through it all, I injected my personal beliefs which included pragmatism, integrity and compassion. Certain events in the recent past have shown me that perhaps what I have done is insufficient and that despite my best intentions, things went wrong. When a reader asked me what happened to me recently, I said "self-doubt" happened.

ASSI is something I have spent a lot of time on in the last (almost) 4 years. It is hard to give up. However, too much of a good thing is often bad. So, "moderation" is probably the key here.

This has been one of the hardest blogs I have ever penned as I struggled with my thoughts and feelings. Although the blog is not very long, it took me more than an hour to compose. I almost gave up but I know I must do the right thing and to keep readers guessing is not right by me.

I am not disappearing but we should not be surprised if I don't blog as much as I used to before. Indeed, do not be surprised if I do not blog the way I used to or about some of the things I used to either. Nothing is set in stone, of course. I will be keeping my options open.


My 15HWW said...

Hi AK,

I guess this is partly due to the recent China Minzhong saga?

Think many have benefited from your blog posts (I have!) and I would be one of the first to encourage you to continue to blog!

Even with a lower intensity or from a different angle, you should still be doing more good than bad.

Roy Thian said...

Hi there. Almost have no more appetite for dinner anymore after seeing this post. Have been reading your blog since year 2013. New reader relatively. But i have to say i enjoyed reading most of your posts.

I won't ask you to re-think about your decision to moderate on blog posting as i feel that i should respect your decision. However, i will definitely miss reading before i sleep.

This mark my 1st post to you and hopefully it will not be the last.

By the way, thanks to your Yongnam post. I did make some small profit as well. Very small indeed. Vested at S$0.255 and out at S$0.295. :)

SGYI said...

Hi AK,

Haven't been commenting in your blog for quite awhile. I'm one of your supporters of your blog. Have benefited a lot from your posts. I even read back your past post and think that it is very inspirational. I do have friends who are also constantly reading your blog and we do discuss on some of the things that you post.

As a financial blogger, you've impacted a lot of people in terms of financial management and investment. I'm really inspired by how you live your life frugally despite achieving so much now.

Treat blogging like a hobby. Don't have to pressurize yourself to blog. I believe you started blogging because you can share and help others also. I do not know why you're feeling this way now. Maybe too many negative things happened the past few months? I hope you won't get affected by it too much :)

B said...


Blogging did indeed takes up a lot of drain power. But just wanted to say that I enjoyed your post all these while. I hope you will continue to blog in moderation since you mentioned before that this is part of your hobby. But if it is taking much more time than the things you were supposed to do, I think it is wise to give it a little rest and come back stronger.


Cory said...

Hi AK, must be mid-life crisis. Go get a girl lah. There should a long queue waiting for u !


Anonymous said...

Hi AK,

Take a break, but come back recharged. Let me haphazard a guess, you are concerned about your content, and the impact of it on readers. But I would like to point up to u blogs are successful due to the bloggers first, then the content. U are ASSI.

Look, there are plenty of sources for financial content, websites, blogs, forums and even books. What makes ASSI more successful than others is u, the passion on investing, the genuine intention to share good to benefits others, and the humane side of it, the responsive and also truthful AK.

People befriend u and visit your blog, although most are virtual friends, I believe some of the Cognitive and affective online exchanges are no less real than flesh and blood.

Hope the recharged AK will bring a new dynamic ASSI. I will continue to check up the blog daily.

Money Honey said...

Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace. Flow with whatever is happening and let your mind be free. Your many followers will understand and will wait for your return. Take care.

Small Time Investor said...

Hi Ak

Had benefit alot of things through your blog . Your blog is not just purely on investment , but also towards lessons of life .


Gary said...

Hi AK,

Moderation might be the key to revive your passion especially situation gets "plateau". I always look forward to your blog! Cheers! =))

Singapore Man of Leisure said...

It was so fun for me to have found the butterfly tavern 3 years ago.

That's where I was inspired and learned the craft of blogging.

One day, the tavern master has other priorities in life. I am happy for him.

Our relationship is not sustained by me getting free beer from his tavern all the time.

I very happy when the tavern master drops by my grass hut once in a while. We shoot the breeze together. My beer not as good; but he doesn't mind.

Hey AK, free drop by too?

Person come will do. No need bring gifts ;)

Giraffe said...

Hi AK,

This is my first posting to you. Have been reading your blog for many months. Like the silence majority, we have learnt a lot from you.

Whichever your blogging direction may be, I would like to say 'THANK YOU'.

Continue to seek the inner peace if needed and we will await for your return.

Tony said...

Hello AK! I'm an avid supporter of your blog too :) Really appreciate each and every of your blog posts and I occasionally share your past blog posts with my friends too! Regardless, the 'mark' you've left in educating people on financial literacy will remain! Thank you so much. Deep down I still hope you continue blogging as I always look forward to your postings.

EC said...

Hi AK,

Haven't been commenting on your posts as I've been busy recently. I guess it's normal to re-evaluate what you have done so far and to see which direction you would like to go in the future.

Whatever decision you make I wish to thank you for all your effort and time you have invested in ASSI all this while, they have benefited me and certainly many other readers too. Of course we'll hope you can continue blogging as before but I'm sure we'll respect your decision nevertheless.


tccs077_blog said...


Based on the response, your blog is popular. It is a big effort to reach this status. Your writing talent should not be put aside, since your blog has benefited many people.

Investment is always one's own responsibility. The market now is even more complex with economic volatility and higher news contents at internet speed. Your blog at layman's perspective should be neutral and not subjected to major forces' influence.

What is a investment blog if it is not often updated? It will defeat its purpose and lose its appeals. It is either blog or no blog. I believe you have your belief and will persist to move on ...


LCF said...

AK, I think we should all have multiple diversified goals. Why? To prevent burnout.Blogging and investing is obviously your main goals nowadays, but too much will lead to burnout. To balance it up, I find it useful to have, say a relationship goal, family goal, spiritual goal, etc. So when you feel what you are feeling now, shift your attention to other goals, then come back to your main goals. A set of goals in different areas are like an ochestra, not every instruments have the same weightage but in the end it achieves Harmony

My 2 cents :)

d:esmond; said...

Maybe you can do it regularly like once a week. Regular but not daily. Maybe you can start a poll and let your readers decide

WTK said...

Hi AK71

It will be disapppointing if you decide to stop blogging. I believe that you blog because you want to share your insights with others. This is not an easy decision which will be subject to criticism. Different people have different views and there are bound to have conflict of views.

This will be made worse if things go wrong (especially the direction of the discussed counter go south).

In my personal take, I will prefer you to continue blogging as your blog is definitely one which I will not definitely miss and always look forward to every day.

Follow your heart on whether you will want to continue to do so. I respect your decision regardless on the outcome.



AK71 said...

Hi all,

I am not replying to each comment separately like I normally would because it could be too emotional an exercise.

I have read all the comments. I have to since the moderation feature is still on. So, if you don't see comments published, that is when you should suspect that I have stopped checking on my blog.

Firstly, thank you for taking the time and effort to leave me so many comments including the one which suggests that I am suffering from mid-life crisis. It could be the case. I have not really experienced one before. So, who knows?

I said before that I was addicted to blogging and that I found it hard not to blog. However, not blogging in recent days has been strangely easy for me. I actually feel lighter now (figuratively, of course).

This suggests to me that I was indeed burning out (as suggested by LCF) and that I was perhaps even beginning to dread blogging (oh, no!). So, applying the brakes is a good idea. I need to slow down. Continuing at the speed I was going could be bad as I could crash and burn. Yikes! Don't want that.

ASSI is still very much a part of me and from what I have heard here and elsewhere, many people have made it a part of their lives too. I would like to see ASSI grow but it has to be growth which is healthy for me too.

Definitely, having guest bloggers is a healthy development for ASSI, readers and me. So, hey, if you want to be a guest blogger, please email the article to me. For readers who are already guest bloggers, I am looking forward to many more contributions. ;)

I still want to blog but I want to take it easy for now. :)

Steven said...

Hi AK,

Take care of yourself. If need to rest, then rest. No point stressing out making money and end up getting unhappy or worst still, getting sick... I guess you have enough dividends to last a lifetime, all else remain the same of course.

Time to make those dividends work to make you happy!!! Literally!!!

Best Regards,

Unknown said...

Hang in there AK. I've been reading your blog since 2008-2009, as a NSF, all the way through my undergraduate life, and now thru the first few years of working adulthood. You have been the incubator for all my investing thoughts, and I have you to thank for all the insights you have shared, along with the double digit annualised returns I've been enjoying for the past 5 years...
Please don't stop blogging... I'm sure many of us share this sentiment:) But of course, do take a breather, and enjoy your good life too:)

yeh said...

Hi ak
just post anything when u feel like to post.

all the best!

JJ said...

Hello... AK,
How could u... me already made a police report...


Hey, just take it easy, agreed with Yeh, just post anything when u feel like it. I will be back peeping everyday for your next posting.

We love you ;) :)

AK71 said...

Hi Steven,

You are absolutely right about there being more important things in life than money making, of course. :)

AK71 said...

Hi Unknown,

Yup. A short holiday from blogging is a good idea, I am sure. Quite deflated right now. ;p

AK71 said...

Hi yeh,

Thanks so much for understanding. :)

AK71 said...

Hi JJ,

Yikes! Now, I really have to go into hiding. -.-"

It might not be that long before I blog again or it could be at the end of the year when I do my usual end of the year report.

I will just go with the flow. :)

Derek said...

Hi AK,

I'm still free for coffee you know. ;)

Take Good Care

Kelvin said...

Hi AK71,

Take care and enjoy your well deserved break!!! Cheerios and am looking forward to your return (if any). Thanks for all the knowledge and wisdom you have shared. Been following your blog since early 2011


AK71 said...

Hi Derek,

Thank you very much! You have always been supportive. :)

AK71 said...

Hi Kelvin,

I am sure I will be blogging again soon. Just a matter of time. ;)

Anyway, I get the feeling that I might have begun to sound repetitive. Running out of things to blog about, you know. So, a little break is probably good for readers too in case they get bored with my writing. ;p

Kelvin said...

Hi AK71,

Awww don't say that, how can we ever get enough of you!! Good to take time off to chill and have a good cup of cuppa ^^

AK71 said...

Hi Kelvin,

Flattery. Tsk tsk... Terrible. More please. LOL. ;p

Nah. I am always talking about how self-knowledge is important. So, I am quite aware of how things are going on a personal level.

Anyway, if I should have anything I think is worth blogging about, you can bet that there isn't any power in this world that can stop me. ;)

Ian Goh said...


As a financial advisor, your blog has been very inspiring for me personally. I have even recommended my spouse to check out your blog yesterday when she asked me about the ocbc blue chip plan as i knew there is a very detailed writeup for it.

I believe you were at your best previously when you are sharing your money habits and investment philosophy on reits. Keep it going!

Quality over quantity. Once a week post is good enough as that is when i normally check back for updates:)

JCK said...


Take a sabbatical.

Its good for yer soul! :)

AK71 said...

Hi Ian,

Oh dear. Now, I must definitely go into hiding in case MAS decides to hunt me down. ;p

No, no, I am not a financial advisor. Not allowed to dispense advice at all. No license and all that, you know?

Now that you have mentioned it, I did feel very driven whenever I blogged about my money habits and investing philosophy in S-REITs. Good point. Unfortunately, there is only so much I can write about these topics.

This is why I would like to have more readers, many whom are financially very savvy, to become guest bloggers. The blog on OCBC Blue Chip Plan was contributed by a guest blogger, for example. :)

Although just following my heart and simply blogging about what I think and feel will be the easiest route for me, I am now wondering about the need to put in place restraints. This is a big struggle for me now.

AK71 said...


I believe that I am also feeling tired from a change of direction in the way I invest and, of course, the blogs naturally follow.

The change from being mostly investing in REITs for income to one that is looking for growth (i.e. undervalued stocks) means taking on possibly more volatility and also greater complexity.

And because I share what I do in my blogs, there is the possibility of readers following what I do and some have told me as much. This has caused me some anxiety and it is quite obvious in the China Minzhong episode.

A popular blog has great influence and with this power comes responsibility (whether I want it or not). I fear this, I realise.

If things go well, everyone makes money and everyone is happy, including me. However, if things turn bad, then, my thoughts and what I do are not going to affect only myself but others too. How do I resolve this? Do I need to think this through?

I am always happy when readers tell me that they feel inspired after reading my blogs. I am happier still when they tell me that they have made positive changes in their lives and are seeing good results. However, if my lack of competence in certain areas should cause harm to readers, the angst could be unbearable.

Anonymous said...

Hi AK,

I think u are too hard on yourself. Even legends like warren Buffett and peterlynch don't always get it right. But the whole world follow what they buy.

I remember peterlynch mention something like u just need to get it right 6 out of 10 times to do well, and if u get it right 8 times: u are on your way to become legend.

I have seen many forummers peddling ultra-pennies, talk about leverage and CFD, and even products like warrants etc.

Nothing wrong with these per se, they could be great money spinners but I think most people might not fully understand the risk.

Your posts are about fundamentally sound companies and using TA to time your entry. Although I would not concur with the use of TA for entry decision, I think you have not been misleading or seductive ( promise of quick bucks)

Perhaps, if u would like your readers to be fully aware of the risks, u might want to disclose more info( not many are comfortable with this thou), your entry price, your av. Price, percentage of buy in relation to whole portfolio, how much of portilio is cash, reits, properties and then high growth equity. Asset allocation is part of risk management.

Just my babbling again. Anyway, chill. With great power come great responsibility, first, we have to admits our power is not that big, we did not make any decisions for others, others follow u willingly. Next, everyone is responsible for their own actions, we are above 21. Haha maybe u need a warning like for "for adults only" before their get divert into your blog.. Nah.. Just kidding ;p

Anonymous said...


In my course of work, I make a lot of decisions for others, many followed my instructions willingly or begrudgingly, I am always very concerned about not being able to do my work better such that I shortchange my charges.

The funny thing is, as the years go by, I realized my methods might have improved but things are very much the same. I realized there is one thing that is perhaps most influential missing, that is passion. As my years of work increased, my passion decreased.

I have stop searching for the best method, because I realised there is not such thing. I have also stop questioning myself, I think I brought my hinders than progress, I simple go all out to make it happen, and if it happens good, if not, I have no regrets.

I have also stop managing my staff like a factory line, because I realised in my business, there is no factory line solutions. I want them to find their own niche. I stop thinking that my decisions can change the world, or wonder about the amount of impact I made, I just go with my values system and hope the higher being will bless me with wisdom to navigate the right values for myself and those around me.

Sorry if I sound moralistic, or naggy. Just speaking my heartfelt words

AK71 said...

Hi Mike,

Thank you very much for the very enlightening comment! You are truly a great teacher! :)

I was lost in a jungle of thoughts and you came along to clear a path for me. I am very grateful. :)

You have given me an idea for a blog post. LOL.

Looking forward to your next guest blog for ASSI. ;p

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