I was invited by The Fifth Person to attend one of the workshops they are conducting for their course on income investing, Dividend Machines. They informed me that many of ASSI's readers signed up for the course and, I guess, my appearance could be a form of encouragement to my readers and seeing me (in my usual get-up) could also lighten the mood.
From the many dates available, I chose to make my appearance on 5th of April (Sunday) as it was the most convenient date for me. Here are some photos taken at the event:
Door to the classroom. |
Remember our primary and secondary school days? Students standing at attention to greet the teacher.... Kidding! It was an ice breaker they thought of. ;p |
Victor Chng was the trainer covering dividend stocks while Rusmin Ang was the trainer covering REITs. I have known both Victor and Rusmin for a while and they are both brilliant investors. Don't let their youthful good looks deceive you. They are really full time investors although they are quick to admit that they do make mistakes and don't know everything.
I certainly hope that everyone who went for the full day workshop took away with them valuable insights. I know I certainly did although I had to leave halfway through the afternoon session.
Rusmin. |
Victor. |
Investing in the stock market for income is something which anyone who is thinking of generating another stream of income could consider.
Investing for income will empower us in many ways. It starts by giving us a greater feeling of financial security which might translate into financial freedom later on in life. Of course, I know this for a fact and say this with much confidence.
“Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source.” Warren Buffett.
Almost 20 people present in the audience were my readers. That's a good 40%! So, must take a group photo lah. Very happy to see everyone leveling up. I was smiling. Honest. |
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For readers who signed up for the course through my blog, I was able to deliver the promised surprise in person too. :) Actually, is there such a thing as a "promised" surprise? Hmmm... |
To everyone who was at the workshop, seeing you hard at work to level up was very inspiring. Yes, I know you had to work at the workshop and not just sit there and listen. Hey, I was put to work too, remember? Taihen desu ne. -.-"
Finally, remember that it is always hardest in the beginning but it will get easier with time. Believe me. I know. Gambatte!
Related posts:
1. Listen to AK and create your Dividend Machines.
2. What is the best insurance to have in life?
3. Retiring a millionaire is not a dream.
Haha AK I was at the march workshop as i am away in NZ from 1st April lah.... too bad . I did ask Victor and Rusmin if you were one of the attendees ... pretend to blend in with the crowd lol !! It was an informative session but what was more interesting for me was the divergent views on Saizen reits. Rusmin did a case study elaborating why it does not fit his set of investment criteria. I brought up some of your points as counter argument ! Hee. There are other useful ratios they taught us to look out for.
What i learnt is sometimes what to invest in may not be as clear cut and really depends on the information you have at the moment. We can never have "perfect" knowledge but if given the limited resources , one has to prioritise the stocks you believe will best fit ones goal. I would have adjusted my portfolio accordingly after the wotkshop but as you say ... patience is key here. :))
Cheers from Auckland
Hi Elsie,
Wah! Holidaying in NZ! So envious! I have never been to NZ before although the LOTR movies made me feel like visiting the country for a while. ;p
Glad that you found the workshop informative. I did too. :)
As for Saizen REIT, I think that Rusmin presented his case using numbers from its IPO. I did not take part in Saizen REIT's IPO either as I felt that it was priced too high at the time. Turned out to be the right decision.
It was later on that I picked it up as a distressed asset when it was about 13c a unit. Although some things Rusmin said about the REIT are true (e.g. not having a sponsor), I like to remind myself that all investments are good at the right price. Entry prices are important. :)
I spoke with Victor and Rusmin briefly about this and they told me that they must be mindful that they are training mostly newbie investors and they want to make sure that they don't get too adventurous. I didn't think of this. That is the difference between professional trainers and a blogger. ;p
You are right that we must be patient. After all the big money is not in the buying and selling, it is in the waiting. So said Charlie Munger. :)
Hi, what do you mean by "it will get easier over time?"
Hi Janson,
Well spotted. :)
The phrase could be interpreted in a few ways, I guess. In this case, I was referring to the numbers.
If we keep investing for income long enough, we will find that our passive income will grow to a size that is quite significant. When we have even more income, we will be able to invest even more for more passive income. It is a virtuous cycle.
To get an X amount of passive income, over time, it gets easier.
What is this X amount? Usually, it would be an amount that would allow us to work because we want to and not because we have to. ;)
Mr ak71, your hand is very soft.
I will give the voucher to someone who needs it more than me.
Hi Rebel,
We must have shook hands. ;p
You are welcome to give the voucher to someone else who might need it more. :)
Yup. We did shake hands.
After the seminar, i concluded that my journey with DM is over. I'm going to read the ak71 blog and do my homework.
Hi Rebel,
Yes, do our homework. LOL. ;)
There will always be offers to help us do our homework. Some will take up these offers. Of course, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this.
But if we want to grow in experience and knowledge as investors, we should do our own due diligence. It is part of the process. Gambatte! :)
Hi ak it's my first trip to NZ too n I'm on bus to geothermal town Rotorua n hopefully can see hobbiton where shire was filmed. I'm reading yr blog even on holidays leh lol too bad can't attach pics here.
Thks for comments on Saizen appreciate it!
Hi Elsie,
So envious. Haha... You have a good trip. Can always catch up on blog reading when you are back in Singapore. ;)
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