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To be richer, do not indulge in creature comforts (Part 2).

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Some readers might remember that I had a blog post in January with a similar title. In that blog post, I revealed that I was probably one of Starbucks' least favourite people. I know, I am putting it ever so nicely.

Unless it is free or heavily discounted in price, I don't drink Starbucks' coffee.

Now, what about Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf?

Alamak! AK is taking a pot shot at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf next?

Aiyoh, do you really think I am so bad? No lah! I am just sharing here how I am going to get a free coffee from them lah.

Yes, I know. I am terrible.

Related post:
To be richer, do not indulge in creature comforts. Really?


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