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Lending money to family and friends?

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Dear AK,

What do you do when people borrow money from you?

Everytime a friend called to borrow some money, I will always remind myself that many years ago I also seek help, a friend lend me a few thousands dollars. I worked hard and repay. So whenever friends seek help, I help them.

After a while, I found that most are unable to pay back... Actually, one of them even bought a few property investments later but did not return money he borrowed from me. It has become difficult for me.

Last week, a friend want to borrow 1K. He is fed up that for only 1K, I ask this ask that... So, I told him that I am financially tight and unable to lend him money.

AK replies:


I can understand your situation and this is something that I have blogged about too.

"I was taught that if we should lend someone money, we must do it with the mindset of a donor."

Of course, there are always reasons which I find more acceptable and in those instances, I am prepared to part with some money. Yes, the operative word here is "part".

"Imagine that the money has vaporised and gone to a better place. If it should come back one day, well, go celebrate!"

Sometimes, for legitimate reasons, people need a helping hand and if they are people who matter to me, I will help. :)

Best wishes,


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