It has been almost three months since my last blog and I hope everyone is doing well.
1. Update
So, what have I been doing?
OK, I will tell you and, maybe, there is a message for everyone in this somewhere too.
I have been having a blast in Neverwinter!
Many things have changed with the new expansion (Module 16: Undermountain) and I love the game even more now.
In fact, I enjoy Neverwinter so much that I created a third character just a few days ago.
This time, I created a wizard.
Neverwinter is a free to play (F2P) MMORPG and although we could use real money to buy game currency, we don't have to do it.
Everything in the game could bought by earning game currencies while playing the game.
There will always be adventurers who are impatient and want to get everything faster, of course.
I have met quite a few impatient adventurers in Neverwinter and they are the ones who have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the game.
Thanks to them, AK has a free MMORPG to play.
As for me, after taking some time to understand Neverwinter's economy and how to make Astral Diamonds (i.e. the most important in-game currency), I have become quite wealthy in Neverwinter and, like in real life, having wealth in the virtual world makes life more comfortable.
I no longer have to run random dungeons with pick up groups (PUGs), which basically means groups of strangers, just to earn some Astral Diamonds.
I used to have to do it everyday as a newbie in the game, of course, and it is just like exchanging our time for money as an employee in real life except that it is more fun.
Just like in real life, being AK, I tried to get to a point where I didn't have to do that and, now, I don't have to.
I am a Neverwinter multi-millionaire.
I am enjoying Neverwinter without having to worry about not having enough Astral Diamonds.
It is like enjoying real life without having to worry about money.
Anyway, did I say there could be a message for everyone here?
I wonder what that message is?
2. Blogging
I have not been blogging and will probably not be blogging much in the future either.
I am tempted to say that I won't be blogging anymore and that this is my last blog, seeing how much time I am spending on gaming, but never say never.
Gaming is like how blogging was for me until recently.
I first discovered blogging 10 years ago and blogging took up more and more time until a point when it became a full time activity.
So, I apologise for my tardy replies to readers who have left comments here in my blog and I also apologise in advance to readers who might leave comments for me henceforth.
It is probably a good idea not to leave comments which require timely replies from me.
3. Facebook
I am unable to log in to Facebook anymore.
I don't know why and after they removed all the links to my blog from my page, to be honest, I don't really care about Facebook now.
After all, quite obviously, they don't care about me.
Financially free and Facebook free.
It has been almost three months since I last logged into Facebook.
So, there are probably many messages from readers there which I won't be able to read or reply to now.
If you are one of the affected readers and would like to reach me, please leave a comment in this blog instead.
Apologies for my tardy reply in advance and, again, if it is something that requires a timely response, it might be better not to write as you would most likely be disappointed.
4. Passive income
Now, that we have addressed the important stuff, the numbers.
How much did AK receive in passive income in 2Q 2019?
S$ 60,906.39
Not a lot to the very rich but it is a meaningful sum of money to me.
Some investments that generated more than $2000 in passive income for me in 2Q 2019:
2. Accordia Golf Trust
3. Comfort Delgro
4. Wilmar
6. Frasers Logistics Trust
7. AHT
9. DBS
10. Ho Bee Land
Readers who have been following my blog will know that what I have achieved did not happen overnight, of course.
How did AK create a 6 digits annual passive income?
5. Plan.
People might ask me what is my plan now with all the economic uncertainties.
I like to think that what I have now is strong enough to weather any financial shock.
I have a meaningful income generating investment portfolio.
So, I have been receiving passive income and that has been beefing up my war chest.
This will probably go on.
Wait to pick durians.
I have a sizable emergency fund for if things should go terribly wrong.
I would like to remind everyone not to ever think that credit is always easy to obtain.
When things go terribly wrong like they sometimes do, credit could easily dry up as even existing lines of credit could get chopped.
Having money we can easily get our hands on when we need it fast with no strings attached means we are our own masters.
Emergency fund.
I will continue to fully contribute to my CPF as I treat it as the risk free and volatility free investment grade bond component of my investment portfolio.
If I have to, I will be able to withdraw money from my CPF when I turn 55 which is only 7 years from now.
Otherwise, I will continue to use my CPF as a savings account.
I hope nothing so financially disastrous happens that I would have to tap on my CPF savings in future.
$1.5 million in CPF savings.
6. Mantra
Always remember this.
If AK can do it, so can you!
I believe it and so should you!
Keep doing the right things and the right things will most likely happen for you.
Is AK a rags to riches story?
Related posts:
1. 1Q 2019 passive income.
2. Financial freedom and a break.
3. AK is a full time gamer.
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2Q 2019 passive income.
Saturday, June 29, 2019Posted by AK71 at 2:33 PM
money management,
passive income
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Hey AK,
KC here. hahaha U got us scared for a while bcos you were not replying on fb anymore. I'm downloading NEVER WINTER NOW hahahahaha.
Your passive income in one quarter still more than my annual wage -_-
Wonderful to hear from you again!
Never know never winter can be so addictive. I missing your jokes and ever interesting stock analysis.
Hope you continue to blog otherwise it is a sleeping town.
And, thank you for Singtel recommendation. It is making money !
Thank you AK for not forgetting your loyal readers. This is definitely an encouraging post. Also I am happy that you are enjoying life :)
Missed you AK, please continue to blog.
Hi KC,
I am sorry I frightened you. ;p
2Q 2019's passive income is probably higher than other quarters because some investments which pay only twice or once a year delivered.
Full year passive income is what matters. :)
If you like D&D and if you like high fantasy MMORPG, you will definitely like Neverwinter.
Anyway, no harm trying the game since it is F2P. :)
Have fun! :D
Hi KB,
I am not addicted to Neverwinter.
I am devoted to Neverwinter.
There is a difference, you know. :p
Of course, I could be making a distinction without a difference. ;p
I won't make any promises about blogging but once a quarter seems undemanding. :)
As for SingTel, I hope it continues to bring home the bacon. ;)
Hi KMay,
Thank you. :)
We owe it to ourselves to have a good life.
If we are not having a good life, try to make it better.
Everyone's life can be and should be better.
We have but only one life to live. :)
Hi E-commerce,
Thank you. :)
I won't make any promises but I think a blog post every quarter is undemanding. :)
My ign in tsukiya. lol. hahahaha
wahhaha FIRE in real life, FIRE in game life!
i was thinking how come suddenly you stopped posting on fb!
anyway do u re-invest your dividends back into your income portfolio?
and if you do, do u look at those you already have that are providing good value to accumulate, or do you just look at whatever is out there that is value-for-income?
sorry, 1 question with many compounded sub-questions!
happy sunday!
Finally saw your update! (wait until neck super long)
I noticed that Singtel was not in your list anymore,compared with March 2019 post,which is your top holdings.
So will you write another blog to share your thought on this?
Hi ak, just ignore my previous comment, as i missed out that the list of holdings you stated out are those who gave you dividends.
Apparently singtel didn't give you any dividend in Q2 and it should not appear.
Hi KC,
What is "ign in tsukiya"?
I blur.
Real life or game life, we want to have a good life. ;p
I am a retiree.
So, my passive income pays for my expenses and what is left goes into my war chest.
I will invest in stocks when I think there is good value. :)
Hi Jackson,
In the next X-men movie, you can be "Giraffe Man". ;p
Yes, no dividend from SingTel in 2Q.
Well spotted, Giraffe Man. ;)
Hi AK,
Please spare some time to update your blog. We missed your insights! Trust me that you will enjoy the game even more if you take some time off it every now and then.
Hi Yeo,
After 10 years of blogging about investing for income and personal finance matters, probably, I have pretty much run out of useful stuff to share. ;p
Well, for those who miss my nonsense, I suppose one blog per quarter is pretty undemanding. ;)
AHT is going to be merged with Ascott. Huat HA.
I hope you can continue to share your buy/sell diary to us. For people who don't play neverwinter, assi is the neverwinter but once a quarter is sufficient....:-)
My reply to your comment became so long that I decided I should just publish it as a blog. ;p
Wow, thank you for the reply that became a blog.
I feel honoured like medal of honour game..
I only watch Wreck It Ralph to learn about game. IT's time to pick up Never Winter....
APTT dividends not included ?
APTT dividends not included ?
Neverwinter is a good F2P high fantasy MMORPG.
If you enjoy the genre and if you like F2P, no harm giving it a try. :)
Hi Unknown,
APTT's contribution is part of my 2Q 2019 passive income.
Hi AK, I've been playing neverwinter for a few months. How is your guild? My guild's players are mostly from other side of the earth. If yours are mostly from the same timezone, can I join your guild?
Also super interested in how u can earn so much in Neverwinter. Still grinding all the random queues... Maybe your blog can focus on Neverwinter now. Hahaha
Hi Samuel,
I will publish the reply to you as a blog to see the response, if any. ;p
Hi AK,
Thank you for posting. Always looking forward for some guidance. Really appreciate it.
Hi Invest Sg,
AK is no guide. -.-"
BYHW. -.-"
Just talking to myself. ;p
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