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$300K invested in REITs? Why did I buy? How was I sure?

Friday, January 17, 2025

I spend a lot of time thinking.

Some say I am a thoughtful person.

However, some say I think too much.

We are all wired differently, right?

During "Evening With AK And Friends 2025," something that kept popping up could be explained as such.

I said having money to invest with was not enough.

We must have the right mindset and the right framework for what we want to achieve financially.

Our methods and our motivation must match.

So, I shared the pyramid which I use to help ensure portfolio stability, and at the very least make sure it does not sink to the bottom of the ocean and is lost forever.

Having the right mindset is also very important.

Being prudent with money is the first and most important step as we need capital to invest with.

Being patient and pragmatic is useless if we don't have the capital to begin with.

Patiently waiting for opportunities.

Being pragmatic to know how much we should be investing in something.

Someone asked what gave me the courage and conviction to buy into REITs big time during the GFC.

I remember in reply to another question, I said we must know what we are buying.

If we didn't know what we were buying, then, we wouldn't know if we should buy more or if we should sell.

We could panic and sell when the price plunged instead of buying more, for example.

I used the example of Saizen REIT and said I was sure their portfolio of assets was worth more and that there was a strong demand for them.

When they sold some of the buildings to pay down debt as required by their lenders then, they were able to sell them at a big premium to book value.

Mr. Market was feeling very pessimistic about the REIT and turned a blind eye to that.

The GFC was really a credit crisis.

Some REITs like AA REIT could not get their hands on loans.

In the case of AA REIT, a white knight came along to recapitalize the REIT. 

It was controversial and very ugly but it was the only practical way for the REIT to survive.

The white knight was not altruistic, for sure.

It was all about making money and with so much money involved, they would try to make sure the REIT delivered.

So, what did I do?

I got on the boat with them.

Be pragmatic.

I also mentioned Lippo REIT during the event and how I was able to get a 25% distribution yield back then.

Indonesia was one of the very few countries that did not go into a recession during the GFC and the Rupiah was relatively strong then.

Indonesia didn't rely on external trade much.

Their domestic economy was 60% of their economy if I remember correctly.

The country's urban population still went to malls and they didn't have as many big malls back then.

The malls weren't going to shut down with demand that high.

With a 25% yield, I would have gotten back my money in 4 years.

Of course, some older readers might remember I sold more than half of my investment later for a 200% capital gain when Mr Market recovered from its depression.

That was the one year I blogged about massive capital gains from investments on top of passive income.

Be pragmatic.

I also said that I had the benefit of advice from a senior investor in real estate who said to be brave.

He said the market was behaving as if the buildings were being abandoned.

Still, we must do our own research to verify which I did.

Be brave but don't be foolish.

Don't borrow money to invest with.

Silly to risk what we need for what we don't need.

Don't follow "gurus" blindly.

Don't ask barbers if we need a haircut.

Educate ourselves and trust ourselves more.

We cannot get it right all the time, for sure.

However, if we are right most of the time, we should do well enough.

In the 15 years after the GFC, people got used to low interest rates.

REITs got used to that too and many borrowed too much and were way too optimistic.

We want to avoid being too optimistic and being too pessimistic.

Be pragmatic.

When some were saying buy Suntec REIT, I produced a video on Suntec REIT on how much it has changed from the time I invested in it donkey years ago.

Therefore, contrary to what those influencers said, I said I wouldn't buy Suntec REIT.

A few years back, so many influencers were saying buy Eagle Hospitality Trust and I produced a series of blog posts on why I wouldn't touch it.

Do our own research.

Someone in the audience said my blog was hard to read and he preferred my videos.

I think the truth is more and more people don't like to read.

Maybe, this is why in a recent international study, Singaporeans scored so badly in composition and comprehension in the years after leaving formal education.

Outsourcing isn't always a good idea especially when it affects our personal development.

We can listen to what YouTubers have to say but don't start relying on them for directions.


Nagging again.

Primary objective of this blog is to better answer a question posed during the event.

As I grow older, my brain dulls.

It takes more time for me to recall all things I want to recall in reply to some questions.

It is quite sad when I think of how I was sharper and more articulate before.

The nagging just happened unintentionally.

If AK can do it, so can you. 💯


Wei said...

Thanks for the evening (and the free books for my friend and I), it was a great chit chat session! Wish you an early Happy CNY and good health to you and your family.

Ss said...

Hi, Ak, it was lovely to meet you at the event, and thank you for staying back answering our questions. What you shared is truly make a lot of sense. I started my investment journey back in 2019, and still learning. I started relatively late in my life, and your post and videos are always kind of keep me grounded. (have to confess that sometimes I forgot). I am rethinking USD and SGD rebalancing now.... Do look after yourself well, it takes a ton of energy to look after elder family members. Be Happy, Be Healthy! Wish you a fabulous New Year ahead! Best, SS

AK71 said...

Hi Wei,
I am glad you guys came and I had the chance to show my appreciation for what you did for us in the meet up we had 2 years ago. Thanks for the company. 🍵
I don't know if you are the one who lost weight or the one who gained weight but I wish both of you good health and happiness in the new year too. Huat ah! 🧧💯😊

AK71 said...

Hi Ss,
For sure, there are many ways to invest our money and investing for income is only one of them.
Think of the pyramid I shared.
Then, there are also various ways to invest for income.💯
We have to find the way we are comfortable with and relatively good at.🧸
For sure, nobody has all the answers and we will make mistakes along the way.🤞
As long as we manage the risks well, we should be able to weather the occasional storm. 👌
Wishing you happiness and good health too. 🧧🧧🧧

Busybody said...

I've followed your CPF top-up mindset in your earlier years (hitting my $1'm soon). Thank you

BUT followed 1M65 Mr Loo investing in globally diversified ETF eg. S&P 500

Because I don't have the expertise to do research & time to follow-up with their development

So far so good, satisfy with US market returns

SgFire said...

Hi Ak,

I have 20% of banks in my pf, i would like to add some. What do you think of the coming result?

AK71 said...

Hi Busybody,
Congratulations on hitting $1 million in CPF savings. 🎉
ETFs are always relevant to people who do not have time nor the inclination to do research.
Crossing fingers 🤞

AK71 said...

Hi SgFire,
Singapore banks are well run, well capitalized and well placed to continue growing. I have a very long term horizon and won't be too concerned with one quarter's results. 🙊

Brina said...

Hi Ak,

It was great meeting you again during the readers event! Appreciate the insights you and victor shared during the event. I wanted to encourage you and let you know that plenty of us still read and prefer reading your thoughts in text on your site - I appreciate how you nuance and share your thoughts on here in deeper detail. Been reading your blog since 2020 and it's been a great help! Happy new year AK and wishing you good health and happiness always :)

AK71 said...

Hi Brina,
Happy that you enjoyed the event and even found it insightful. 😊
Thanks for the encouragement and I will continue blogging as long as I feel it is still fun and productive to do so. 🤭
Wishing you happiness and good health in the new year. 🎊

Ss said...

Many thanks, AK. Truly appreciate your encouraging words. Your voice in the YT is so much more relax now compare with the first few posts. Haha, I am the one who used to work in broadcasting industry before and left a short note to you in your first or second YouTube post. You have the talent, please keep up! :-) Ak can do it!!!!

Sandra said...

May I know what the 'S' right on top in the pyramid denotes? Thanks, and wishing you and your family a good lunar new year, with lots of good health and happiness.

HM said...

Hi AK, I am very nice to your blog after being introduce by a friend a few months ago. I am new to investment although I am in my late 40s. I like your dividend investment strategy and would like to seek your advise if it make sense for me to put in small sum every month to purchase small quantity shares of DBS, OCBC or AIMS. I hope to do this regularly till I am 65yrs old. Does this averaging investment method recommended? Appreciate your advise.

SgFire said...

Hi Ak

I wld like to add some more, cld you talk to yourself abt the banks valution?

Silent Reader said...

Happy New Year AK.
Any kind thoughts on Income insurance share price S$29.55 as in Dec2023 vs S$40.58 Jul 2024 Allianz failed offer

gagmewithaspoon said...

Thank you for hosting the event! I enjoyed your thoughts about BTC and currently I do hold a little. but do you have a cold wallet? can you point me in the right direction? I only use a platform but I purchase more, I think a cold wallet is more suitable?

Learner said...

Hi AK,

I've attended the "Evening With AK And Friends 2025" session, and have learnt a lot from your invaluable knowledge sharing. Thanks!

Special thanks goes out too to:
- Victor, for generously sharing his knowledge too.
- Kenji, for helping to organize the event.

I look forward to the next session. Don't worry, no pressure, only when you feel like doing one again. :-)

Bryant said...

Happy CNY, Uncle AK!
I'm curious on what does S stand for in the pyramid? (Too bad I missed your chit chat session)
May you stay healthy and continue to nag. I love it, haha!

SgFire said...

Hi Ak

Happy new year to you

The Dreamzola Traveller said...

It is not uncommon for people to avoid reading; even in my generation, almost 90% of them hate it. I have a friend who goes as far as not entering a bookstore or touching a book, citing the Mandarin pronunciation of "Shu," which means "lose" — as in losing money. Ah hahahaha. Okay, he's a bit of a gambler when it comes to chances.

Like many others, I also rely on financial planners to help me build a portfolio, but I also do my own homework. A 6% annual return? Sounds too good to be true. Where does it come from? How diversified is it? Where are the interests generated? Most people don’t really dig into the details.

That being said, I still believe that it’s our hard-earned money. If we don't learn to take care of it, who else will?

AK71 said...

Hi Ss,
I remember that comment and now I remember you. 💯
Thank you for the assurance and the encouragement. 😊

AK71 said...

Hi Sandra,
That stands for speculative positions. Keep those relatively small. 🤞 happy new year 🧧

AK71 said...

Hi HM,
I am not allowed to give advice and I don't want to. 😷 However, personally, if I am not willing or able to do some research and understand what I am buying, I could be better off buying an index fund that tracks the STI. 🙊

AK71 said...

Hi SgFire,
I think they are fairly valued. Price could go higher based on sentiments but that's Mr Market voting. 🙊

AK71 said...

Hi SR,
My plan always was to hold for the regular dividends. So, no loss to me. 🙊

AK71 said...

Hi gagmewithaspoon,
I am using a warm wallet to hold my bitcoin. Exodus. A cold wallet would be more secure but I am afraid of misplacing it. 😋

AK71 said...

Hi Learner,
Very happy you enjoyed the event. 💯 🎉🥳
Another one after I turn 55, maybe. 😋

AK71 said...

Hi Bryant,
Stands for speculative positions. We want to keep those relatively small. Happy CNY 🧧

AK71 said...

Hi SgFire,
Happy CNY 🧧

AK71 said...

For sure, no one cares more about our money than we do. Well, it should be the case for people who are sane anyway. 🤭
Can't expect our money to take care of us if we don't take care of it. 🙊

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