Macquarie introduces a new warrant to the Singapore market. Macquarie's SiMSCI warrants allow investors to take a leveraged view on movements in the broader Singapore sharemarket.
Macquarie's warrants allow you to take a leveraged exposure to the SiMSCI with no margin calls or forced selling, thus limiting your capital at risk. Macquarie has listed both call and put warrants, so you can potentially profit from both rises and falls in the market.
99.9% correlation with Straits Times Index (STI)
The MSCI Singapore Index has a basket of 30 stocks and tracks the Straits Times index (STI) very closely. In fact, the MSCI Singapore Index has a 99.9% correlation with the STI over a period of two years, and a 99.6% correlation over five years.
SiMSCI - the only liquid alternative to the STI
The SiMSCI is the name for the futures over the MSCI Singapore Index, and tracks it closely. The SiMSCI is much more liquid than the STI futures in terms of volume traded. In fact, the SiMSCI is the only liquid alternative to trade a Singapore sharemarket index.
For both futures expiring in August, the SiMSCI had 228,287 contracts traded (for the month of Aug 2010) while the STI futures only had 6 contracts traded over the same period of time.
Why SiMSCI warrants?
As the SiMSCI is a liquid and efficient futures market it provides a live tradable market reference price for the warrants to track, this makes it a more transparent and easy reference point for warrant investors. Investors can now see the live SiMSCI price at this website and also the dedicated live SiMSCI pricing page which includes a list of the current warrants.
Read more about it at
FAQ: What are warrants?
A warrant is a powerful investment tool that enables you to gain exposure to a security for a fraction of its price. Warrants can be used to either increase or decrease your level of risk and, unlike ordinary shares, they can be used to profit from both a rise and fall in asset price.
Macquarie Warrants are available over individual shares or indices, they are listed on the SGX and can be bought and sold like ordinary shares.
A warrant gives the holder the opportunity to buy or sell a share at a future date for a fixed price. The two basic types of Warrants are "Call Warrants" and "Put Warrants". Call Warrants give investors the potential to profit from share price rises. Put Warrants give investors the potential to profit from share price falls.
A Call Warrant gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying share at a fixed price known as the "exercise price" at a future date or, in the case of a cash settled warrant to receive a cash settlement amount reflecting the amount by which the share is above the exercise price. A Put Warrant gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying share to the Warrant Issuer at the exercise price, or, in the case of a cash settled warrant to receive a cash settlement amount reflecting the amount by which the share price is below the exercise price.
The price at which a warrant holder may buy or sell the underlying shares or the price used in determining the cash settlement amount is known as the exercise price.
A call warrant is said to be out-of-the-money when the exercise price is higher than the share price and in-the-money when the exercise price is lower than the share price.
A call warrant will be worthless if the share price is lower than the exercise price on the expiry day. However, with upward movements in the share price, the holder can still earn excellent returns trading the warrant prior to the expiry date.
The opposite occurs for a put warrant. It will be in-the-money when the exercise price is above the share price and out-of-the-money when the exercise price is below the share price. With downward movements in the share price, the holder can make profits trading the put warrant prior to its expiry date.